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Since Towny Version, Towny has provided some PlaceholderAPI support without needing an extension from the PAPI eCloud. Use of these placeholders requires PlaceholderAPI to be installed to be functional. Towny can not be configured to use placeholders at this time, though TownyChat can.
If you are unable to run at minimum Towny, you can download the old PAPI Towny Expansion instead.
You are able to format some of the Placeholder's appearances via the Towny config.yml's papi_chat_formatting section. (Ex: removing the []'s, or changing colours.)
Available Tags in order of oldest to newest
Introduced as of v0.95.0.0
- Displays town name (if they have one.) -
- Displays long-form town name (if they have one.) -
- Displays nation name (if they have one.) -
- Displays long-form nation name (if they have one.) -
- Displays town bank value. -
- Displays nation bank value. -
- Displays town tag (if they have one.) -
- Displays town tag (if they have one,) or the full town name. -
- Displays nation tag (if they have one.) -
- Displays nation tag (if they have one,) or the full nation name. -
- Displays town and nation tags. -
- Displays town and nation tags if they exist, falling back to names if they don't. -
- Displays town and nation tags if they exist, falling back to long-form names if they don't. -
- Displays king-granted title. -
- Displays king-granted surname. -
- Displays mayor and king prefix. -
- Displays mayor and king postfix. -
- Displays title if it exists, falls back to mayor and king prefixes. -
- Displays surname if it exists, falls back to mayor and king postfixes. -
- Used to show colours before nomads, residents, mayors and kings. (Set in the config.yml.)
Introduced as of v0.95.1.0
- Number of residents in a town. -
- Number of residents in a town that are currently online. -
- Number of townblocks claimed by a resident's town. -
- Number of townblocks bought by a resident's town. -
- Number of bonus blocks given to a resident's town. -
- Number of townblocks a town has available to claim. -
- Number of townblocks a town has available to claim, not counting bonus/bought townblocks. -
- A resident's town's mayor's name. -
- A resident's nation's king's name. -
- Number of friends a resident has. -
- Number of residents in a resident's nation. -
- Number of residents in a resident's nation that are currently online. -
- Name of a resident's nation's capital.
Introduced as of v0.95.2.0
- Shows town's upkeep cost. -
- Shows nation's upkeep cost. -
- Returns true or false whether the resident has a town. -
- Returns true or false whether the resident has a nation.
Introduced as of v0.96.0.0
- Shows the nation tag and the full town name. If nation tag is not set, only the town name is shown.
Introduced as of v0.96.2.0
- Displays either Mayor, or the various town ranks a player has or nothing if they have none. -
- Displays either King, or the various nation ranks a player has or nothing if they have none. -
- Displays Nomad, Resident, Mayor or King, depending on what position the player is in.
Introduced as of v0.96.3.0
- Display the config-defined prefix of the player's town (ex: ruins, settlement, ...) -
- Display the config-defined postfix of the player's nation (ex: ruins, settlement, ...) -
- Display the config-defined prefix of the player's town (ex: lands, realms, ...) -
- Display the config-defined postfix of the player's nation (ex: lands, realms, ...) -
- Display true is the player is jailed, otherwise false. -
- Display the townblock's type at the resident's location (ex: shop), or "" if none. -
- Display true if the resident is owning the townblock at his location. -
- Displays nation tag (if set, otherwise blank,) followed by the Town name (if the player is part of a town.) -
- Displays the daily tax charged by the town on the residents. -
- Displays the daily tax charged by the nation on the towns.
Introduced as of v0.96.6.0
- Displays either the townname at the location or the wilderness name. -
- Displays either the formatted townname at the location or the wilderness name. -
- Displays the town's prefix or blank. -
- Displays the town's postfix or blank. -
- Displays (PVP) or blank, depending on pvp status of the location. -
- Returns the hex colour code of the nation's mapcolor set with /t set mapcolor (seen in dynmap-towny.)
Introduced as of v0.96.7.0
- If the player has a nation which is peaceful the language string "status_town_title_peaceful" will be shown: "&b(Peaceful)". -
- If the player has a town which is peaceful the language string "status_town_title_peaceful" will be shown: "&b(Peaceful)". -
- Displays a plot's name if it has one. - RELATIONAL placeholder:
- Applies the colour codes set in the config.yml's new papi_relational_formatting section.
- Used in TAB and other plugins which can do Relational placeholders.
Introduced as of v0.97.1.0
- Displays the name of the resident who owns the plot, or blank if no one personally owns it. -
- Returns the colour set by the town.
Introduced as of v0.97.2.0
- If there is a town present where the player stands, it will return the number representing the number of residents that town has. -
- If there is a town present where the player stands, it will return the name of that town's mayor. -
- If there is a town present where the player stands, it will return the name of the nation, if the town has one.
Introduced as of v0.97.3.0
- Displays a player's town's board message. -
- Displays a player's nation's board message. -
- Displays the board message of the town where the player is stood. -
- Displays the board message of the nation where the player is stood.
Introduced as of v0.98.0.0
- Shows the PlotGroup name if the player location has a PlotGroup. -
- Shows For Sale lang string when a plot is for sale. -
- Shows (Public) lang string when the player's town is public. -
- Shows (Open) lang string when the player's town is open.
Introduced as of v0.98.2.0
- Display the raw number of hours until new day. -
- Display the raw number of minutesuntil new day. -
- Display the raw number of seconds until new day. -
- Display the amount of time until a new day, formatted and translated. -
- Display the amount of hours until a new day, formatted and translated. -
- Display the amount of minutes until a new day, formatted and translated. -
- Display the amount of seconds until a new day, formatted and translated.
Introduced as of v0.98.3.0
- Shows the cost of a town. -
- Shows the cost of a nation. -
- Shows the number of Towns on the server. -
- Shows the number of neutral Towns on the server. -
- Shows the number of Towns with homeblocks in the same world as the player. -
- Shows the number of neutral Towns with homeblocks in the same world as the player.
Introduced as of v0.98.4.0
- Shows the amount of upkeep paid per-plot by a Town. -
- Shows the penalty paid per-plot by a Town. -
- Shows the percentage that a Town's upkeep is reduced by the TownLevel's upkeepModifier, or if the player has no Town what a 1 player town would receive. -
- Shows the percentage that a Town's upkeep is reduced by the NationLevel's nationTownUpkeepModifier, or if the player has no Nation what a 1 player town would receive if they had a nation. -
- Shows the amount of upkeep paid per-town by a Nation. -
- Shows the percentage that a Nation's upkeep is reduced by the NationLevel's upkeepModifier, or if the player has no Nation what a 1 player town would receive if they had a nation. -
- Shows the base cost to merge a town. -
- Shows the percentage of the TownBlock claim price that the merging Town will have to pay in order to do a merge. -
- Shows the cost to reclaim a town. -
- Shows the maximum number of hours a town can be ruined before it is deleted. -
- Shows the minimum number of hours a town can be ruined before it can be reclaimed. -
- Shows the base price of buying a TownBlock using /t buy bonus. -
- Shows the base price of claiming a TownBlocking using /t claim. -
- Shows the base price of claiming a TownBlocking using /t unclaim. -
- Shows the price of claiming an outpost using /t claim outpost. -
- Shows the player's townname, if they have one. -
- Shows the player's nationname, if they have one. -
- returns True or False based on whether the player is in a town, and is trusted in the town. -
- returns True or False based on whether the player is in a town, and is trusted in the plot. -
- Shows the town's raw cached bank balance. -
- Shows the nation's raw cached bank balance.
Introduced as of v0.98.5.0
- Displays a player's nation name or, if no nation, their town name or, blank if they have no town.
Introduced as of v0.99.0.0
- Displays the cost of the player's town's next claim, taking into account any townblock price increase rules.
Introduced as of v0.99.1.0
- Displays a resident's primary rank with a space afterwards. -
- Displays Nomad, Resident, Mayor or King, depending on what position the player is in.
Introduced as of v0.99.2.0
- Shows the town colour formatted for MiniMessage, (TownyChat-friendly.) -
- Shows the nation colour formatted for MiniMessage, (TownyChat-friendly.) -
- (Replace n with a number) Displays the nth Town by money in the town bank. -
- (Replace n with a number) Displays the nth Town by number of residents. -
- (Replace n with a number) Displays the nth Town by number of townblocks claimed.
Introduced as of v0.100.1.0
- A placeholder that shows how much a resident will pay daily in taxes. This number is the total of any town tax as well as any plot taxes they owe. Taxes owed are cached for a period of time using the config's economy.bank_account_cache_timeout setting. -
- A placeholder that shows how much a resident will pay daily in taxes, but unformatted, just a raw number.
Introduced as of v0.101.1.0
- A placeholder that uses the towny config's town placeholder formatting, but inserts the town's colour code (in minimessage format) before the town name. -
- A placeholder that uses the towny config's nation placeholder formatting, but inserts the nation's colour code (in minimessage format) before the nation name. -
- A placeholder that uses the towny config's "both" placeholder formatting, but inserts the town or nation's colour code (in minimessage format) before the town or nation name (or tag if they have one set.) -
- Returns the long value of the time in epoch milliseconds that a player joined the server. -
- Returns a human-readable date and time at which the player joined the server. -
- Displays the cost of the town at the player's location, or "Not for sale." if it is not for sale.
Available Tags in Order of Type
- Displays town name (if they have one.) -
- Displays long-form town name (if they have one.) -
- A placeholder that uses the towny config's town placeholder formatting, but inserts the town's colour code (in minimessage format) before the town name. -
- Shows the player's townname, if they have one. -
- Displays town tag (if they have one.) -
- Displays town tag (if they have one,) or the full town name. -
- Displays a player's nation name or, if no nation, their town name or, blank if they have no town. -
- Displays nation name (if they have one.) -
- Displays long-form nation name (if they have one.) -
- A placeholder that uses the towny config's nation placeholder formatting, but inserts the nation's colour code (in minimessage format) before the nation name. -
- Shows the player's nationname, if they have one. -
- Displays nation tag (if they have one.) -
- Displays nation tag (if they have one,) or the full nation name. -
- Shows the nation tag and the full town name. If nation tag is not set, only the town name is shown. -
- Displays nation tag (if set, otherwise blank,) followed by the Town name (if the player is part of a town.) -
- Displays town and nation tags. -
- Displays town and nation tags if they exist, falling back to names if they don't. -
- A placeholder that uses the towny config's "both" placeholder formatting, but inserts the town or nation's colour code (in minimessage format) before the town or nation name (or tag if they have one set.) -
- Displays town and nation tags if they exist, falling back to long-form names if they don't.
- Displays king-granted title. -
- Displays king-granted surname. -
- Displays mayor and king prefix. -
- Displays mayor and king postfix. -
- Displays title if it exists, falls back to mayor and king prefixes. -
- Displays surname if it exists, falls back to mayor and king postfixes. -
- Displays either Mayor, or the various town ranks a player has or nothing if they have none. -
- Displays either King, or the various nation ranks a player has or nothing if they have none. -
- Displays a prefix associated with a player's highest-priority nation or town rank. -
- Displays a resident's primary rank with a space afterwards. -
- Displays Nomad, Resident, Mayor or King, depending on what position the player is in. -
- Used to show colours before nomads, residents, mayors and kings. (Set in the config.yml.) -
- Returns the long value of the time in epoch milliseconds that a player joined the server. -
- Returns a human-readable date and time at which the player joined the server. -
- Number of friends a resident has. -
- Returns true or false whether the resident has a town. -
- Returns true or false whether the resident has a nation. -
- Display true is the player is jailed, otherwise false.
- Number of residents in a town. -
- Number of residents in a town that are currently online. -
- Number of townblocks claimed by a resident's town. -
- Number of townblocks bought by a resident's town. -
- Number of bonus blocks given to a resident's town. -
- Number of townblocks a town has available to claim. -
- Number of townblocks a town has available to claim, not counting bonus/bought townblocks. -
- A resident's town's mayor's name. -
- Display the config-defined prefix of the player's town (ex: ruins, settlement, ...) -
- Display the config-defined postfix of the player's nation (ex: ruins, settlement, ...) -
- If the player has a town which is peaceful the language string "status_town_title_peaceful" will be shown: "&b(Peaceful)". -
- Shows (Public) lang string when the player's town is public. -
- Shows (Open) lang string when the player's town is open. -
- Returns the colour set by the town. -
- Shows the town colour formatted for MiniMessage, (TownyChat-friendly.) -
- Displays a player's town's board message. -
- Shows the maximum number of hours a town can be ruined before it is deleted. -
- Shows the minimum number of hours a town can be ruined before it can be reclaimed.
- Number of residents in a resident's nation. -
- Number of residents in a resident's nation that are currently online. -
- A resident's nation's king's name. -
- Name of a resident's nation's capital. -
- Display the config-defined prefix of the player's town (ex: lands, realms, ...) -
- Display the config-defined postfix of the player's nation (ex: lands, realms, ...) -
- Returns the hex colour code of the nation's mapcolor set with /t set mapcolor (seen in dynmap-towny.) -
- Shows the nation colour formatted for MiniMessage, (TownyChat-friendly.) -
- If the player has a nation which is peaceful the language string "status_town_title_peaceful" will be shown: "&b(Peaceful)". -
- Displays a player's nation's board message.
- Display the raw number of hours until new day. -
- Display the raw number of minutesuntil new day. -
- Display the raw number of seconds until new day. -
- Display the amount of time until a new day, formatted and translated. -
- Display the amount of hours until a new day, formatted and translated. -
- Display the amount of minutes until a new day, formatted and translated. -
- Display the amount of seconds until a new day, formatted and translated.
- Displays town bank value. -
- Displays nation bank value. -
- Shows the town's raw cached bank balance. -
- Shows the nation's raw cached bank balance. -
- Shows town's upkeep cost. -
- Shows nation's upkeep cost. -
- Displays the daily tax charged by the town on the residents. -
- Displays the daily tax charged by the nation on the towns. -
- Shows the amount of upkeep paid per-plot by a Town. -
- Shows the penalty paid per-plot by a Town. -
- Shows the percentage that a Town's upkeep is reduced by the TownLevel's upkeepModifier, or if the player has no Town what a 1 player town would receive. -
- Shows the percentage that a Town's upkeep is reduced by the NationLevel's nationTownUpkeepModifier, or if the player has no Nation what a 1 player town would receive if they had a nation. -
- Shows the amount of upkeep paid per-town by a Nation. -
- Shows the percentage that a Nation's upkeep is reduced by the NationLevel's upkeepModifier, or if the player has no Nation what a 1 player town would receive if they had a nation. -
- Shows the cost of a town. -
- Shows the cost of a nation. -
- Shows the base price of buying a TownBlock using /t buy bonus. -
- Shows the base price of claiming a TownBlocking using /t claim. -
- Shows the base price of claiming a TownBlocking using /t unclaim. -
- Shows the price of claiming an outpost using /t claim outpost. -
- Displays the cost of the player's town's next claim, taking into account any townblock price increase rules. -
- Shows the base cost to merge a town. -
- Shows the percentage of the TownBlock claim price that the merging Town will have to pay in order to do a merge. -
- Shows the cost to reclaim a town. -
- A placeholder that shows how much a resident will pay daily in taxes. This number is the total of any town tax as well as any plot taxes they owe. Taxes owed are cached for a period of time using the config's economy.bank_account_cache_timeout setting. -
- A placeholder that shows how much a resident will pay daily in taxes, but unformatted, just a raw number.
- (Replace n with a number) Displays the nth Town by money in the town bank. -
- (Replace n with a number) Displays the nth Town by number of residents. -
- (Replace n with a number) Displays the nth Town by number of townblocks claimed.
- Display the townblock's type at the resident's location (ex: shop), or "" if none. -
- Display true if the resident is owning the townblock at his location. -
- Displays either the townname at the location or the wilderness name. -
- Displays either the formatted townname at the location or the wilderness name. -
- Displays the town's prefix or blank. -
- Displays the town's postfix or blank. -
- Displays (PVP) or (No PVP), depending on pvp status of the location. -
- Displays a plot's name if it has one. -
- Displays the name of the resident who owns the plot, or blank if no one personally owns it. -
- If there is a town present where the player stands, it will return the number representing the number of residents that town has. -
- If there is a town present where the player stands, it will return the name of that town's mayor. -
- If there is a town present where the player stands, it will return the name of the nation, if the town has one. -
- Displays the board message of the town where the player is stood. -
- Displays the board message of the nation where the player is stood. -
- Shows the PlotGroup name if the player location has a PlotGroup. -
- Shows For Sale lang string when a plot is for sale. -
- Displays the cost of the town at the player's location, or "Not for sale." if it is not for sale. -
- returns True or False based on whether the player is in a town, and is trusted in the town. -
- returns True or False based on whether the player is in a town, and is trusted in the plot. -
- Shows the number of Towns on the server. -
- Shows the number of neutral Towns on the server. -
- Shows the number of Towns with homeblocks in the same world as the player. -
- Shows the number of neutral Towns with homeblocks in the same world as the player.
- Applies the colour codes set in the config.yml's new papi_relational_formatting section, used in TAB and other plugins which can do Relational placeholders.
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