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How to use Thisway

toydotgame edited this page Mar 4, 2021 · 6 revisions

Basic Usage

The /thisway command is made of two basic parts: /thisway and the distance you want to travel in the direction you're looking, in this format:

/thisway <distance>

As far as I know, and as far as Java goes - <distance> can be any number between 1 and 2,147,483,647!

You cannot put in 0 as your distance. Upon executing the command "/thisway 0", you'll get an error saying you can't put in 0. Anyway, why would you want to do that? You can just not move and you get the same result!

You also can only put in numbers for your distance. So instead of /thisway 2,300, it would be /thisway 2300. Abbreviations like /thisway 2.3k also won't work. You must always provide the full number, with no punctuation.

When /thisway has finished, and you have been teleported, you'll get a message in chat saying this:

Teleport successful.

Advanced Usage

Abbreviating /thisway

Does /thisway take too long to type? Try using /tw in place of /thisway! /tw works exactly the same as /thisway, but it's shorter! Any of these examples can be used interchangeably between /thisway and /tw.

Debug Mode

Debug Mode can be used as a separate option in the Thisway command syntax:

/thisway <distance> [true|false]

You must put in a number for <distance> for Thisway to work; but, optionally, you can use the [true/false]. Putting in false will just let Thisway work like normal; but when you do true, you get a lot of new things to look at!

When Debug Mode is on, Thisway will print positioning, player, world, and block data into your chat:

Plugin Version: <version>
Player Yaw: <yaw>
Player Pitch: <pitch>
Player Facing: <facing>
Player Position: <x>, <y>, <z>
New Player Position (To TP to): <newX>, <y>, <newZ>
Current World: <world>
New Player Head Location Block Type: <block>

Debug outputs can be found on the Outputs page.

Thisway Wiki

Here is where you can find out how Thisway works and how to use Thisway.


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