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Commit over Commit Performance Analysis Automation for Web Applications using Tracerbench

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GitHub Action for TracerBench

What is it?

GitHub Action CI setup for TracerBench Compare command; finely tuned for benchmarking Ember applications and Addons. Please read the consumed TracerBench Compare command for associated configuration and API details:

Usage as a GitHub Action

You can use this action by adding it to an existing workflow or creating a new workflow in your project.

For example, the below adds a check for the users route to all pull requests to the master branch.

name: PerformanceCheck

      - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v1
          fetch-depth: 0
      - uses: tracerbench/tracerbench-compare-action@master
          experiment-url: 'http://localhost:4201/users'
          control-url: 'http://localhost:4200/users'
          markers: 'end-users-model-load'
          regression-threshold: 25
          fidelity: high

Local Usage and Usage with other CI Systems

The GitHub Action project provides a small wrapper that pipes the configuration into the project's main. This allows for easy use in any setup (local or CI) by adding this action as a dependency.

For example, you could mirror the above check in an Ember Application by doing the following.

// perf-test-config.json

  "experiment-url": "http://localhost:4201/users",
  "control-url": "http://localhost:4200/users",
  "markers": "end-users-model-load",
  "regression-threshold": 25,
  "fidelity": "high"
// perf-test.js
// @ts-nocheck
import analyze from '@tracerbench/tracerbench-compare-action';
import fs from 'node:fs/promises';
import path from 'node:path';

const __dirname = new URL('.', import.meta.url).pathname;
const root = path.resolve(__dirname, '..');

const configFile = await fs.readFile(path.resolve(root, 'perf-test-config.json'));
const config = JSON.parse(configFile);


Configuration Options

Option Default Description
build-control true Whether to build assets for the control case
build-experiment true Whether to build assets for the experiment case
control-dist ./dist-control The location of the control assets once a build has been performed (or if build-control is false the location they are already)
experiment-dist ./dist-experiment The location of the experiment assets once a build has been performed (or if build-control is false the location they are already)
control-sha git rev-parse --short=8 origin/master SHA to be built for the control commit
experiment-sha git rev-parse --short=8 HEAD SHA to be built for the experiment commit
experiment-ref current branch or tag The reference being built for the experiment
control-build-command ember build -e production --output-path ${control-dist} command to execute to build control assets if build-control is true
experiment-build-command ember build -e production --output-path ${experiment-dist} command to execute to build experiment assets if build-experiment is true
use-yarn true When building control/experiment whether to use yarn for install (npm is used otherwise)
control-serve-command ember s --path=${control-dist} command to execute to serve the control assets
experiment-serve-command ember s --path=${experiment-dist} command to execute to serve the experiment assets
clean-after-analyze true if experiment-ref is preset, false otherwise whether to try to restore initial repository state after the benchmark is completed. Useful for local runs.


Commit over Commit Performance Analysis Automation for Web Applications using Tracerbench







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