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Random SVG Tests

I'm having fun. It's nice to have a place to doodle. See these running at

A lot of SVG is built on top of Bézier curves. This is the guide to all things Bézier. I wish I'd found it sooner.

Status and Testing

Some of these demos work better on phones than others.

I do most of my testing on Chrome on a Mac. I occasionally test on an Android phone.

This page shows some simple examples of some tools that can create and manipulate paths. One example is shown below.

Two images, both outlines of a heart.  The one on the left is drawn with a simple, standard, fixed with line.  The other line has three thick sections separated by three thin areas.

The heart on the left is a very simple path that I copied from a sample at MDN. On the right I asked math-to-path.ts to change the stroke-width of that path to look like a sine wave.

The paths and the formulas can be as complicated as needed. I ♡ these examples, but they are only simple proofs of concept. See this video for another way I've used math-to-path.

This is an older project that I only recently added this this repository. I worked on this project in February 2024 but never published it until now. The current examples are very simple because I didn't know exactly what to do with these tools at first. But these tools will combine nicely with the other tools in this repository.

Note that I always tell math-to-path exactly how many segments I want in my result. I originally added this parameter so I could balance quality vs. performance. Now I can use this parameter to make morphing trivial much easier!

Maintaining the Frame Rate

Here's a problem I keep encountering: How hard can I push my animations? How many balls, or shadows, trails, etc. do I need to do a good job? How many can I get away with before I break things?

Usually, I tune things manually. I add more or fewer of different elements. I stare at the screen and decide what I like. I only pay attention to the frame rate when it looks bad.

For the most part I want to keep the framerate "good." I will sacrifice any optional features in the animations to maintain the framerate. But what exactly does "good" mean?

According to MDN:

It's commonly accepted that 60 frames per second is the rate at which animations will appear smooth.

I was hoping to see something more explicit, like "the browser always tries to maintain 60 frames per second." Or I could read a property to get the ideal frame rate. I don't even know if the ideal frame rate can change over time.

My concern is as follows: I assume that the browser is trying to give me 60 frames per second. Any time performance gets below 60 fps I adjust the graphics to be simpler. I don't know exactly how much I need to adjust, so I'd use a simple feedback control system. I.e. I'll guess and keep trying until the results are reasonable.

What if I can't really get 60 fps? Maybe I'm using the browser embedded in OBS which is set to 30 ftp by default? Maybe the system is busy with unrelated tasks, and we could never hope for more than 45 fps. In these cases I'm afraid my simple control system will keep simplifying my animations until there's nothing left.

I want to understand and monitor the health of the system, so I can push the limits. I need to know what's a reasonable FPS, so I know how to interpret the current FPS. I haven't found any discussion of this on the internet.


This shows some some productive work I've done with SVG and text. Here is a video showing off my recent progress.

This shows a snapshot of some work in progress: Several samples of text with various special effects, described below.

  • The first row shows an animation in progress.
  • The second row shows a Small Caps font that I synthesized from the default font.
  • The third row shows what happens when I convert all of the lines and parabolas in my drawings into cubics. As intended, there are no changes visible in the font on this line.
  • Rough Font 1 shows what happens when I feed my line font directly into rough.js. It looks strange where the straight lines run into the curved lines.
  • Rough Font 2 shows what happens when I convert my line font into cubics then feed it to rough.js. This is a huge improvement. As intended, this fixed the problem in the previous line.
  • #3 is my favorite of the rough fonts. I will remove the others. I got rid of the multi-stroke because I think it looks a little better this way.
  • #4 is similar to #3, but with preserveVertices to false. I never liked this the results of that setting.
  • And last row shows a 5th variation of the rough font. While it looks like fun it seems way too rough and hard to read for my needs.

I will be removing a lot of the irrelevant lines from here to make room for new experiments. Most of these have already served their purpose.

I really like the way the the number 4 appears after it has been roughed. I like almost every version that appears.

There is a lot of room to optimize the font to look better with rough.js. However, this was an amazing proof of concept. For now I want to do more interesting things. I can circle back after I see how I'm actually planning to use rough.js.


This is my current focus. Here is a video showing off this and other recent work.

I like the idea of a an arbitrary svg doodle morphing into another svg doodle. I'm focused on only strokes and no fills.

Currently I'm focused on what CSS gives me. The first version of this demo was written completely in HTML and CSS. Now I'm using typescript, but only to automate the process of creating complicated paths.

The rule seems pretty clear. If you want CSS to smoothly animate the change between two path strings:

  • The paths must both have the same number of commands.
  • The commands must be the same.
  • Switching between a capital and a lower case letters is okay, both nothing else.

There are a lot of ways to potentially deal with this. Notice toCubic() and covertToCubics().

Coming soon: removeIrrelevantMoves() because rough.js sometimes adds moves when it doesn't need to. While working on this code I seriously reorganized the way I store paths. I no longer store explicit M commands. Each Command object knows its own start position. My code typically adds M commands back automatically, exactly where they are needed.

Quick Simple Fun JavaScript Animations

This video will show you my initial progress.

Since then I've added a simple physics engine. The physics works, but my first attempt at goal seeking is better at orbiting a goal than actually touching it.

I've moved most of these JavaScript console experiments: Live, Source.

Simple Complete Example

The starfield demo is easy to run and doesn't need any programmerring. Just click the link and watch the stars fly by you.

A tunnel made of individual balls.  There are 13 colors spiraling around the tunnel.

Click on a button to change the colors. The number on the button says how many colors to use before repeating. Sometimes the button will also change the perspective to make the spiral patterns more obvious.

See The fabulous Fibonacci flower formula for a mathy explanation of those spirals. That video was a huge inspiration for this demo.

This example includes some of the nicest source code if you want to learn how to add 3d perspective to your code. I started with a copy of the console demo, then I removed a lot of unnecessary code. (For example I replaced a custom class with an extra <g> object.) And I separated out the 3d tools from the specific things that I'm animating in this particular demo.


The result of calling ThreeDFlattener.tunnelDemo(). In the picture above all of the balls should be the same size, and the spaces between them should also be the same size. However, as the balls in the distance shrink to show perspective, the spaces between them grow. I need to do a better job flattening the positions from 3d to 2d. I suspected my approximations are off, and this demo proves it.

The picture above is from this commit but the problem goes back much further.

ThreeDFlattener.tunnelDemo() after the fix. This shows what the same demo looks like after my fix. Now there is very little space visible between the first and second row. And there is no space between the following rows. (The first row is the row closest to the user's face.) It looks like a tightly wound spring. In the previous picture it looks like a spring that's been stretched out. The further the spring is from the user, the more stretched it is.

My fix was based on actual math. My first version was a quick guess. So I'm confident in my fix.


This project was created from a template at

See for instructions on using this template, along with background information on this template and the tools it uses.