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Properties Documentation

Júlio Falbo edited this page Jul 17, 2019 · 2 revisions

By default, all these properties has the prefix: spring.rabbitmq.custom.<YOUR_EVENT>

Property Definition Default Value
ttlRetryMessage The time to live between retries 5000
maxRetriesAttempts The number of max retries (after this the message will go to DLQ) 3
ttlMultiply The multiplier ttl. For example, if the ttlRetryMessage is 5000 (5s) and the maxRetriesAttempts is 3, the ttl for the first retry is 5s, for the second retry is 10s and for the third retry is 20s 0
queueRoutingKey The routing key of the queue
exchange The exchange name
exchangeType The exchange type. Values are direct, topic, fanout (For now we don't have support for headers type)
queue The queue name
queueRetry The retry queue name
queueDlq The dlq queue name
defaultRetryDlq Define if you want to use the default resolver to create the name of the retry and dlq queues. As true, it means that the name of the retry and dlq will be the name of the queue with suffix ".retry" and ".dlq" true
autoCreate This library has the intelligence to auto create all these architecture for you false
autoCreateForRetryDlq Define if you want to enable the auto to create for retry queue and dlq queue true
autoCreateOnlyForTest Uses the auto create behavior only in test profile false
automaticRecovery Define if you want automatic recovery behavior false
concurrentConsumers The number of the concurrent consumers for this container factory 1
maxConcurrentConsumers The number of the max concurrent consumers for this container factory 1
sslConnection Define if you want an SSL connection false
tlsKeystoreLocation The location of your tls file (Only use if you want an SSL connection)
tlsKeystorePassword The password of the certificate
virtualHost Your virtual host
host Your host localhost
port Your port 5672
username Your username (in case that is not an SSL connection) guest
password Your password (in case that is not an SSL connection) guest
primary Define if this architecture will be your primary beans false
enableJsonMessageConverter Define if you want to use the Jackson2JsonMessageConverter as the default message converter (per container factory) false
enableSnakeCaseForQueuesAndExchangeNames Define if you want to allow snake case in exchange and queues names. With this option as false, every _ will be replaced for . (Only for queues and exchanges names) With this option as true, every . will be replaced for _ (Only for queues and exchanges names) false
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