Build contigs from a suite of contiguous kmers as fasta format
kmers of input fasta file :
ATCG kmer 1
TCGC kmer 2
CGCT kmer 3
GCTA kmer 4
CTAT kmer 5
TATG kmer 6
ATGG kmer 7
contigs of output
ATCGCTA contig 1
CTATGG contig 2
No dependency required.
# with pip (recommended)
pip install mkprobe
# or github
git clone
# All in a single output fasta file
mkprobe path/to/fasta/files/* -o result.fa
# All in a single output TSV file
mkprobe path/to/fasta/files/* -o result.tsv
# in separated files
for file in path/to/fasta/files/*
mkprobe $file -o output/$(basename $file}
Nota: when several files are given at input, mkprobe add the name of the file (minus extension) to headers.
usage: [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-v] [files ...]
positional arguments:
files fasta files
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output file name, by default at fasta. If extension
is 'tsv', output will be a tabuled file
-v, --version show program's version number and exit