This setup allows for a Node/Express/React/JWT app which can be easily deployed to Heroku.
The front-end React app will auto-reload as it's updated via webpack dev server, and the backend Express app will auto-reload independently with nodemon.
An article on how the server is setup with JWT can be found here. This has been modified to use a mongo database instead of hardcoded array of users.
The front end has been setup to use JWT as a way of authenticating users and routes. To understand it's structure better please refer to the following article here
Please feel free to modify this code in anyway you see fit for your project. It is a boilerplate setup that tries to make sure you can get something up and running without having to worry about setting up user authentication from scratch. I highly suggest you read the articles before jumping in so you can have an better understanding of how everything works in the code.
Server-side article and using JWT:
Front End article on using the JWT on a react application:
Add a .env at the top level of this project.
Then inside of the .env add a SERVER_SECRET set to any value you'd like
First off make sure you have a local version of MongoDB running on your machine. This project will make a local database for you called appDB
Start by installing front and backend dependencies. While in the root directory, run the following command:
npm install
After all installations complete, run the following command in your terminal:
npm start
That's it, your app should be running on http://localhost:3000. The Express server should intercept any AJAX requests from the client.
Once you're ready to deploy, start by making sure your project is a git repository. If so, proceed to the next section, otherwise run the following commands in your terminal:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
- Go onto your heroku account and link your repository through the UI
- Go to resources and find mLab as a Add-on
- Provision a Mongo Database
- Go back and click "Deploy"