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Trevor French edited this page Jul 21, 2023 · 1 revision


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etherscan Etherscan etherscan /docs/ 🏢 /R/etherscan.R


etherscan_api_call, etherscan_account_balance, etherscan_contract_abi, etherscan_block_reward, etherscan_gas_oracle

etherscan_api_call(method, query)

  • Returns data from your Etherscan API call

  • method: "GET" or "POST"

  • query: your query parameters

  • The following example uses the etherscan_api_call function to make a request to the account balance endpoint and stores the resulting data in a variable named "data".

address <- "0xde0b295669a9fd93d5f28d9ec85e40f4cb697bae"
api_key <- "..."
tag <- "latest"
query_string <- list(
  module = 'account',
  action = 'balance',
  address = address,
  tag = tag,
  apikey = api_key

data <- etherscan_api_call('GET', query_string)

etherscan_account_balance(address, api_key, tag)

  • Returns the balance for the specified address

  • address: the address for which you wish to retrieve the balance.

  • api_key: your Etherscan API key

  • tag: pre-defined block parameter, either earliest, pending or latest. Default is latest.

  • The following example checks the balance for the specified address and stores the balance in a variable named "account_balance".

address <- "0xde0b295669a9fd93d5f28d9ec85e40f4cb697bae"
api_key <- "..."
account_balance <- etherscan_account_balance(address, api_key)

etherscan_contract_abi(address, api_key)

  • Returns the contract ABI for the specified address

  • address: the contract address for which you wish to retrieve the ABI.

  • api_key: your Etherscan API key

  • The following example retrieves the ABI for the specified contract and stores it in a variable named "abi".

address <- "0xfb6916095ca1df60bb79ce92ce3ea74c37c5d359"
api_key <- "..."
abi <- etherscan_contract_abi(address, api_key)

etherscan_block_reward(block, api_key)

  • Returns the block and uncle reward for the specified block number as a list.

  • block: the numeric block number

  • api_key: your Etherscan API key

  • The following example retrieves the block and uncle rewards for block number 12697906 and stores the data in a list named "block_reward".

block <- 12697906
api_key <- "..."
block_reward <- etherscan_block_reward(block, api_key)


  • Returns current safe, proposed and fast gas prices as determined by Etherscan.

  • api_key: your Etherscan API key

  • The following example retrieves data from the Etherscan gas oracle and stores the response in a list named "gas_oracle".

api_key <- "..."
gas_oracle <- etherscan_gas_oracle(api_key)
# $LastBlock
# [1] "16278960"
# $SafeGasPrice
# [1] "25"
# $ProposeGasPrice
# [1] "25"
# $FastGasPrice
# [1] "26"
# $suggestBaseFee
# [1] "24.959953709"
# $gasUsedRatio
# [1] "0.472567333333333,0.5293583,0.369716666666667,0.5435785,0.5312433"
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