Very initial implementation of a Trust anchor proof-of-concept for Indy.
Uses Django + libindy python wrapper (requires python 3.6 or newer).
Some random startup notes below...
git clone
# Change to the indy-sdk directory
cd indy-sdk
# Initial setup (you need to run this only the first time)
docker network create --subnet indy_pool_network
docker build --build-arg pool_ip= -f ci/indy-pool.dockerfile -t indy_pool .
# Start the nodes
docker run -d --ip="" --net=indy_pool_network indy_pool
# If you need to log, check the contained id with
docker ps
# ... and then run this, replacing CONTAINER_ID with the one from the previous command
docker exec -t -i CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash
# Get the file and copy to my-test-network.txn
Source: Steward Scenarios.pdf
$ sovrin
> connect test
> new key with seed 424242424242MyTestTrustAnchor424
> new key with seed 000000000000000000000000Trustee1
> send NYM dest=CzvneMT45XwY5eTAVQedLF role=TRUST_ANCHOR verkey=~XgrExLytAX7t2gfJGLXStB
python3.6 runserver
# From a different terminal
# And click the link...