The ts-scan scans your project for all package depedencies. It supports following build systems
- Python (wheel)
- Maven
- Nuget
The collected information is stored locally as JSON structure and can be posted to the TrustSource service for the analysis.
- pip - is often already contained in the Python distribution but in some cases, please, follow the pip's installation instruction
pip install ts-scan
cd <path to the ts-scan>
pip install ./ --process-dependency-links
NOTE: scanning of Docker images using Syft from within the ts-scan Docker image is not supported
cd <path to the ts-scan>
docker build -t ts-scan .
cd <path to the ts-scan>
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t ts-scan .
Reason for this is, that pyminr might fail to install on ARM chips.
docker run ts-scan <COMMAND>
ts-scan --help
ts-scan scan -o <path to the output file> <path to the project directory>
In order to ignore scanning of dependencies of a particular type, add a parameter
--<name of the scanner type>:ignore
For example, to ignore scanning of maven dependencies
ts-scan scan --maven:ignore <PATH>
While scanning for Maven, Node and NuGet dependencies, ts-scan calls corresponding package manager executables. For example, in order to specify a path to the Maven excutable use the following option
ts-scan scan --maven:executable /opt/local/bin/mvn <PATH>
There are also options to forward parameters to a package manager executable. For example, in order to pass a settings file to Maven, one can use the following combination:
ts-scan scan --maven:foward --settings,customSettings.xml <PATH>
To display additional information for each command use:
ts-scan scan <COMMAND> --help
ts-scan can use Syft scanner as a backend for dependencies scanning. To enable the Syft scanner, use the following option
ts-scan scan --use-syft <SOURCE>
Before calling Syft, ts-scan tries to find the Syft executable in default locations, in order to specify a custom location use the following option
ts-scan scan --use-syft --syft-path <syft executable> <SOURCE>
In order to pass custom parameters directly to Syft
ts-scan scan --use-syft --Xsyft <option>,<value> <SOURCE>
Syft supports many different input types, and one of them is Docker images. For more details on supported sources types, please, refer to the Syft's official documentation or use the Syft's help command.
In order to scan a local docker image, use the following command
./ts-scan scan --use-syft -o <OUTPUT> docker:<DOCKER IMAGE>
ts-scan upload --project-name <TrustSource project name> --api-key <TrustSource API key> <path to the scan JSON file>
ts-scan upload --help
Supported formats
- SPDX RDF (spdx-rdf)
- SPDX JSON (spdx-json)
- CycloneDX (cyclonedx)
ts-scan import -f <SBOM format> -v <SBOM format version> --module <SBOM module name> --module-id <SBOM module id> --project-name <TrustSource project name> --api-key <TrustSource API key> <path to the SBOM file>
ts-scan import --help