HELM is a framework for evaluating synthesizable HDL designs in the encrypted domain that is designed for multi-core CPU evaluation. Users can choose between evaluating circuits composed of standard Boolean gates, low-precision LUTs, or high-precision arithmetic operations. In all cases, both sequential and combinational circuits are supported with the exception of arithmetic circuits (which only support combinational logic).
The preprint can be accessed here; you can cite this work as follows:
author = "Charles Gouert and
Dimitris Mouris and
Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos",
title = "{HELM: Navigating Homomorphic Encryption through Gates and Lookup Tables}",
year = 2023,
howpublished = "Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/1382",
note = "\url{https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/1382}",
git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:TrustworthyComputing/helm.git
cd helm
cargo build --release
cargo test --release
cargo test --features gpu --release
-v, --verilog <FILE> Verilog input file to evaluate
-w, --input-wires <STRING> <STRING> <[NUM]> Input wire values (-w wire1 value1 [width1] -w wire2 value2 [width2]...)
-i, --input-wires-file <FILE> CSV file that contains the input wire values (wire, value)
-o, --output-wires-file <FILE> CSV file to write the output wires (wire, value)
-c, --cycles <NUMBER> Number of cycles for sequential circuits [default: 1]
-a, --arithmetic <TYPE> Precision for arithmetic mode [possible values: u8, u16, u32, u64, u128]
-p, --verbose Turn verbose printing on
-h, --help Print help
HELM has three modes: "gates"-mode, "LUTs"-mode, and "Arithmetic"-mode. HELM automatically distinguishes between LUTs and gates circuit depending on the cells utilized in the structural Verilog. Below are two examples:
Example in "gates"-mode:
cargo run --bin helm --release -- \
--verilog ./hdl-benchmarks/processed-netlists/s27.v
cargo run --bin helm --release -- \
--verilog ./hdl-benchmarks/processed-netlists/2-bit-adder.v \
--input-wires-file ./hdl-benchmarks/test-cases/2-bit-adder.inputs.csv
You can also pass the input wire values as:
cargo run --bin helm --release -- \
--verilog ./hdl-benchmarks/processed-netlists/2-bit-adder.v \
-w a[0] 1 -w a[1] 0 -w b[0] 0 -w b[1] 1 -w cin 0
Or equivalently as wire_name hex_value wire_width
cargo run --bin helm --release -- \
--verilog ./hdl-benchmarks/processed-netlists/2-bit-adder.v \
-w a 1 2 -w b[0] 0 -w b[1] 1 -w cin 0
The above expands a
to a[0] = 1
and a[1] = 1
cargo run --bin helm --release -- \
--verilog ./hdl-benchmarks/processed-netlists/2-bit-adder.v \
-w a 1 2 -w b 2 2 -w cin 0
Example in "LUTs"-mode:
cargo run --bin helm --release -- \
--verilog ./hdl-benchmarks/processed-netlists/8-bit-adder-lut-3-1.v \
--input-wires-file hdl-benchmarks/test-cases/8-bit-adder.inputs.csv
Example of an Arithmetic circuit. This mode operates directly on behavioral Verilog files that include only arithmetic operations. There is no need to invoke Yosys to perform any logic synthesis.
cargo run --bin preprocessor --release \
--manifest-path=./hdl-benchmarks/Cargo.toml -- \
--input ./hdl-benchmarks/designs/chi_squared.v \
--output ./hdl-benchmarks/processed-netlists/chi_squared_arith.v \
cargo run --bin helm --release -- --arithmetic u32 \
--verilog ./hdl-benchmarks/processed-netlists/chi_squared_arith.v \
--input-wires-file ./hdl-benchmarks/test-cases/chi_squared_arith_1.inputs.csv
If a circuit is in the netlists directory but not in the processed-netlists, run the preprocessor and then helm as following:
cargo run --bin preprocessor --release \
--manifest-path=./hdl-benchmarks/Cargo.toml -- \
--input ./hdl-benchmarks/netlists/c880.v \
--output ./hdl-benchmarks/processed-netlists/c880.v
cargo run --bin helm --release -- --verilog ./hdl-benchmarks/processed-netlists/c880.v
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (Award #2239334).