Simple handling from Symfony Forms in
You can use this Bundle to create and handle static (integrated in a Sulu page or loaded via AJAX) or dynamic forms.
This Bundle handles the problem with the CSRF Token
and HTTP Cache
A simple Controller is provided to handle a Symfony Form with CSRF Token.
Also mail
dispatching is handled by the bundle.
Use composer to install this Bundle:
"require": {
"l91/sulu-form-bundle": "1.0.*"
composer require l91/sulu-form-bundle:1.0.*
Add to AbstractKernel (app/AbstractKernel.php)
new L91\Sulu\Bundle\FormBundle\L91SuluFormBundle(),
Execute following command to update your database
app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
add the following config to app/config/config.yml
esi: { enabled: true } # use to reload csrf token
from: %parameter_recommended_for_from%
to: %parameter_recommended_for_to%
add the following lines to app/config/admin/routing.yml
type: rest
resource: "@L91SuluFormBundle/Resources/config/routing_api.yml"
prefix: /admin/api
Make sure you've set the correct permissions in the Sulu backend for this bundle!