#Garbage Classification ##English
Author TsingfunLee(Me) & Honghaiyun(A girl)
A game made by Unity3D. Play is simple.Drag the right rubbish to corresponding dustbin.It is educational for learning garbage classification knowledge.
For some reason,I don't have complete Unity3D 5.3 package.As a result,I can't build this project. Download .unitypackage,then import a new Unity project.Later,you can play the game in Unity. Someday,I would build this project and push it.
作者 我 & 洪海云
###概要 一款使用Unity3D引擎制作的小游戏。 玩法很简单,将垃圾拖入正确的垃圾桶即可。用于教育人们学习垃圾分类知识。
###安装: 下载.unitypackage文件,导入Unity工程中即可。 因为没有Unity3D 5.3的完整安装包,不能发布Windows版的程序。之后有空会发布并更新。