Mockingbird - Simple website that allows you to rough out a design for a webpage or app online and free.
Figma - Seems similar to Photoshop in many respects, though its free and web enabled. Also has Prototyping abilities. Will need to look into this further for sure.
- Watch and Code - Free listing is a basic TODO app using basic Javascript. Not completed it yet.
- Javascript is Sexy - Learning plan for learning Javascript (Does touch on html and css as well)
- Max Sandelin Youtube Channel - Some Javascript tutorials created by Max Sandelin. I have watched the Todo app videos, and they are quite nice. Not watched the basic javascript learning videos.
- Front-End Development Syllabus - Put together by someone on Reddit. Not looked through it all yet but can probably get some good links to redirect to other sections of this list.
- JavaScript.info - very indepth JavaScript Guide.
- HTML5 and CSS3 by Quentin Watt- Youtube videos. Not watched yet.
- Single Page App Book
- Atomic Design
- Unsplash - Lots of good high quality images to be used.
- A Smarter Way to Learn - A Smarter Way to Learn. There are interactive coding excercises as well listed in the beginning of the book.
- You Dont Know JS - You Dont Know JS Series of books (6 total on the link), supposed to be among the best books available on the subject of javascript.
- Clickminded Checklist - checklist of SEO related things to do on new websites.
- Make Money with Webdesign Facebook Post - 5 tips related to local SEO things
- Digital Strategy Crash Course
- Parallax Flipping CSS Tile - A very interesting HTML/CSS animation effect for flipping tiles with 3d text effects.
Freelance Chat - seems to be a slack channel
Frontend Developers - seems to be a slack channel
FlexJobs - seems most worthwhile once its time to apply
Guru - similar to Upwork
Freelance Per Hour - Currently down due to technical issue 8-8-17
Reddit Job Posting Thread - a reddit post about job listings for remote work. There might be some additional links here so come back and check later.
- Catch a Fire - not just web development.