Owwwly brings users possibility to plan meetings with their friends and colleagues. They can suggest and probe for dates, places and plans easily. No more headaches organizing it all!!
August 22, 2016
Barcelona, Spain
name | email
--- | ---
**Ana Gamito** | _imaginarte3d@gmail.com_
- JS (ES5 & ES2015) & Babel
- Angular JS, HTML5, CSS3 & CSS2.1, Sass and Jquery for the Front End.
- Browserify for common.js sintax on client side.
- MeanJS starter app.
- Express + Node for the backend. Swig for templates.
- Mongo DB & Mongoose for Models and Schemas.
- Passport for user authentication.
- Git for version control.
- npm & bower for vendor dependencies.
- Grunt & Gulp as tasks taks runners.
- And Deployed on Heroku.
- ESLint, JsHint, Csslint, Uglify, RWD, Svg images