A simple wrapper script to make dislocker usable by non-geeks. Tested on Ubuntu/Lubuntu 17.10 and later.
Parli italiano? » Leggi: Guida a Bitlocker con Ubuntu: come leggere/scrivere le chiavette USB con dislocker
Just execute:
sudo apt install curl -y && curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TurboLabIt/zzdislocker/master/setup.sh | sudo bash
Connect your Bitlocker-drive, let it spin for a minute, then execute zzdislocker
Provide the Bitlocker password when asked.
Your drive will then be mounted into /media/dislocker/MYDRIVE/
and popup into the GUI.
Wen you're done, close everything and unmount the drive with a single command: zzundislocker
If your main Linux partition is itself encrypted, you can store your Bitlocker password for automatic unlocking and additional convenience. Copy the provided sample configuration file (zzdislocker.default.conf
) to your own zzdislocker.conf
and set BITLOCKER_PASSWORD=myBitlockerPassword
sudo cp /usr/local/turbolab.it/zzdislocker/zzdislocker.default.conf /etc/turbolab.it/zzdislocker.conf && sudo nano /etc/turbolab.it/zzdislocker.conf
Please note that this is a big security risk: be sure to know what you're doing.