This is made with standalone RSDKv4 in mind, so I can't guarantee that it will work on RSDKv5u
A: Submit them under the issues
tab and I will try to fix it.
A: Everything in this project comes as-is. If it doesn't run on a specific platform, don't get your hopes up on it being fixed.
- Add support for RSDKv5u
- Make title card function properly on steam deck / MacBook Pro aspect ratio
- Fix collision issues
- Slingerland: Director, Producer, Level Designer, Level Graphics, Concept Artist
- The Taxman: Developer of the Retro Sonic Engine, Lead Programmer, Level and Character Graphics
- Hunter Bridges: Composer, Programmer
- RGXSuperSonic: Flash Animator, Artist
- Damizean: Programmer, Level and Character Graphics
- DimensionWarped: Programmer
- Patrick Long ("Boz"): Concept Artist
- The ParadoXx: Level Graphics
- Twanvanb1: RSDKv4 Port
- Rubberduckycooly for making the RSDKv4 decompilation.
- CosmicEternity for helping port backgrounds for Sunset Shore and the Title Screen.
Join the Retro Engine Modding Discord Server for any extra questions about this project.