Trajectory Computing Library
The trajectory computing library is a set of C++ headers. Additionally, there is an R library.
The R library depedns on some packages and you can prepare your system with
sudo R --no-save < InstallDependencies.R
sudo make
This will pull all needed packages before compiling and installing the library.
You can just copy the header directory from trajcomp/r-package/trajcomp/src/trajcomp to /usr/include and use it in all your C++ projects.
After trajcomp header directory is copied to /usr/include, you can compile bindings for python3. At the moment, there are only bindings for trajcomp/bloomfilter.
To compile the python3 bindings, do the following:
cd python-bindings
sudo make python3
In python-bindings/tests are a few examples of how to use the python3-version of trajcomp.
It requires Boost and Boost.Python. Make sure to adjust installation directories at the top of the Makefile.