Multicon is an easy way to generate multiple versions of CSS icons based on SVG images using Grunt. This project started as a fork of grunticon but has converted from its origin and taken a different approach to generating icons.
Multicon takes a list of SVG images and generates three icon stylesheets based on those icons:
- A stylesheet with SVG data URIs
- A stylesheet with PNG data URIs
- A stylesheet with URLs to external PNG images
Each stylesheet contains CSS classes for each source image that can be used to set the background of an HTML element with the icon.
Depending on the browser(s) you are supporting you can load any of the stylesheets to use the CSS classes generated from the source images. It is up to you to implement the stylesheet loading but there is an example in the preview.html file in the example directory.
Multicon is a Grunt task that can be used with Grunt 0.4. Besides Grunt it requires PhantomJS to be installed for rendering PNG version of the icons.
The grunt-multicon
module can be installed like any other Node.js module through NPM:
$ npm install [--production] grunt-multicon
After the module is installed it can be used from the Gruntfile.js
file in your project by loading it:
This is an example task defintion from a Gruntfile.js
"multicon": {
"example": {
"options": {
"css": {
"prefix": "icon-",
"baseurl": "/icons"
"src": [ "example/source/*.svg" ],
"dest": "example/output"
- css
- prefix: Prefix to use for CSS classes.
- baseurl: Base URL for generated icons paths in the fallback CSS file.
- sheets
- svg: Name for the SVG data URI stylesheet.
- png: Name for the PNG data URI stylesheet.
- fallback: Name for the fallback stylesheet.
- folder: Name for the PNG icon folder.
- basepath: Base path for rendered PNG icons. This will be stripped off the path of the source icons.
- scales: The scaled version for each icon that need to be generated.
is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Copyright (c) 2013, Stéphan Kochen, Mattijs Hoitink, Two Screen.
Copyright (c) 2012 Scott Jehl, Filament Group, Inc.
The awesome example SVG icons are from the Tango Desktop Project and released in the Public Domain.