A module for the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition system for Foundrt VTT. This module adds some FX to the game (see below).
Copy the following link and paste it in Add-On Modules => Install Module => Manifest URL
This module allows to roll each night in a table to see in which phase is the random Morrslieb. If the result is "Full Moon", it will automatically apply the Morrslieb filter.
Instructions in the wiki.
With this module you can add some fancy FX to a Token when some of the Conditions are applied.
So far the Conditions included are: Ablaze, Blinded, Entangled, Fatigued, Fear, Poisoned, Stunned, Surprised, Terror and Unconscious.
It also includes the System effects: Consume Alcohol (the same effect as Stunned), Cold Exposure (all levels) and Heat Exposure (all levels).
Instructions in the wiki.
For Morrslieb Phase there is no dependencies, but there will be a nicer effect if you've installed the FX Master module (like the button in the WFRP4e system).
Condition FX requires the modules Token Magic FX, Automated Animations with its dependencies and Advanced Macros.