RPC messaging library for the VS Code extension platform. Makes the communication between your VS Code extension and its webviews much simpler.
- Sending notification or a request from an extension to a view, a view group or broadcast to all registered views
- Sending notification or a request from a view to other view, a view group or the host extension
- Support for sync and async request/notification handlers
- Support for request cancellation
- Typed API
- Automatically unregister views on view dispose
- Configurable logging
Devtool vscode extension helps inspecting messages interaction between your extension components.
const messenger = new Messenger();
// register one or more views
// Handle incoming view notification
const colorSelectType: NotificationType<string> = { method: 'colorSelected' };
messenger.onNotification(colorSelectType, (params: string) => {
vscode.window.activeTextEditor?.insertSnippet(new vscode.SnippetString(`#${params}`));
// Handle view requests and return a result
const availableColorsType: RequestType<string, string[]> = { method: 'availableColor' };
messenger.onRequest(availableColorsType, (params: string) => {
return ['020202', 'f1eeee', 'a85b20', 'daab70', 'efcb99'];
// Send a notification to a view of type 'calicoColors.colorsView'
const colorModifyType: NotificationType<string> = { method: 'colorModify' };
messenger.sendNotification(colorModifyType, {type: 'webview', webviewType: 'calicoColors.colorsView' }, 'clear');
// Send a request to a view of type 'calicoColors.colorsView' and get a result
const selectedColor = await messenger.sendRequest({ method: 'getSelectedColor' }, {type: 'webview', webviewType: 'calicoColors.colorsView' }, '');
Using JS in this example for simplicity. You can use TypeScript as well.
const vscode = acquireVsCodeApi();
const vscode_messenger = require("vscode-messenger-webview");
const messenger = new vscode_messenger.Messenger(vscode);
// Handle extension Notifications. For requests use `onRequest()`
messenger.onNotification({method: 'colorModify'}, (params) => {
switch(params) {
case 'add': {
case 'clear': {
colors = [];
messenger.start(); // start listening for incoming events
// Send a request to your extension.
// For notification use `sendNotification()`
const colors = await messenger.sendRequest({ method: 'availableColors'}, HOST_EXTENSION, '');
See tests for more examples.