This repository contains some notes about a problem involving coverings of coatoms in partition lattices, which we prove is NP-complete.
Title: [Filter membership of coatoms in a partition lattice is NP-complete] (
Authors: William DeMeo @williamdemeo and Hyeyoung Shin @hyeyoungshin
Journal: (not yet published)
Year: 2016
Abstract: We show that 3-SAT reduces to the problem of deciding whether all coatoms in a certain partition lattice are contained in the union of a collection of certain principal filters of the lattice, so the latter problem is NP-complete. We conclude with a discussion of the tractability of such filter membership problems.
BibTeX entry:
@unpublished {DeMeoShin:2016,
AUTHOR = {DeMeo, William and Shin, Hyeyoung},
TITLE = {Filter membership of coatoms in a partition lattice is NP-complete},
YEAR = {2016},
URL = {}
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