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blakeembrey committed Jun 11, 2016
1 parent efcd2fd commit d62db81
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Showing 3 changed files with 422 additions and 363 deletions.
376 changes: 376 additions & 0 deletions src/_bin.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
import { join, resolve } from 'path'
import { start } from 'repl'
import { inspect } from 'util'
import Module = require('module')
import minimist = require('minimist')
import chalk = require('chalk')
import { diffLines } from 'diff'
import { createScript } from 'vm'
import { register, VERSION, getFile, getVersion, getFileExists, TSError } from './index'

interface Argv {
eval?: string
print?: string
fast?: boolean
version?: boolean
help?: boolean
compiler?: string
project?: string
ignoreWarnings?: string | string[]
disableWarnings?: boolean
noProject?: boolean
compilerOptions?: any
_: string[]

const strings = ['eval', 'print', 'compiler', 'project', 'ignoreWarnings']
const booleans = ['help', 'fast', 'version', 'disableWarnings', 'noProject']

const aliases: { [key: string]: string[] } = {
help: ['h'],
fast: ['f'],
version: ['v'],
eval: ['e'],
print: ['p'],
project: ['P'],
compiler: ['c'],
ignoreWarnings: ['i', 'ignore-warnings'],
disableWarnings: ['d', 'disable-warnings'],
noProject: ['n', 'no-project'],
compilerOptions: ['o', 'compiler-options']

let stop = process.argv.length

function isFlagOnly (arg: string) {
const name = arg.replace(/^--?/, '')

// The value is part of this argument.
if (/=/.test(name)) {
return true

for (const bool of booleans) {
if (name === bool) {
return true

const alias = aliases[name]

if (alias) {
for (const other of alias) {
if (other === name) {
return true

return false

// Hack around known subarg issue with `stopEarly`.
for (let i = 2; i < process.argv.length; i++) {
const arg = process.argv[i]
const next = process.argv[i + 1]

if (/^\[/.test(arg) || /\]$/.test(arg)) {

if (/^-/.test(arg)) {
// Skip next argument.
if (!isFlagOnly(arg) && !/^-/.test(next)) {


stop = i

const argv = minimist<Argv>(process.argv.slice(2, stop), {
string: strings,
boolean: booleans,
alias: aliases

if (argv.version) {

if ( {
Usage: ts-node [options] [ -e script | script.ts ] [arguments]
-e, --eval [code] Evaluate code
-p, --print [code] Evaluate code and print result
-c, --compiler [name] Specify a custom TypeScript compiler
-i, --ignoreWarnings [codes] Ignore TypeScript warnings by diagnostic code
-d, --disableWarnings Ignore every TypeScript warning
-n, --noProject Ignore the "tsconfig.json" project file
-P, --project [path] Specify the path to the TypeScript project


* Override `process.emit` for clearer compiler errors.
const _emit = process.emit

process.emit = function (type, error): boolean {
// Print the error message when no other listeners are present.
if (type === 'uncaughtException' && error instanceof TSError && process.listeners(type).length === 0) {

return _emit.apply(this, arguments)

const cwd = process.cwd()
const code = argv.eval == null ? argv.print : argv.eval
const isEvalScript = typeof argv.eval === 'string' || !!argv.print // Minimist struggles with empty strings.
const isEval = isEvalScript || stop === process.argv.length
const isPrinted = argv.print != null

// Register the TypeScript compiler instance.
const service = register({
getFile: isEval ? getFileEval : getFile,
getVersion: isEval ? getVersionEval : getVersion,
getFileExists: isEval ? getFileExistsEval : getFileExists,
compiler: argv.compiler,
ignoreWarnings: list(argv.ignoreWarnings),
project: argv.project,
disableWarnings: argv.disableWarnings,
noProject: argv.noProject,
compilerOptions: argv.compilerOptions

// TypeScript files must always end with `.ts`.
const EVAL_FILENAME = '[eval].ts'
const EVAL_PATH = join(cwd, EVAL_FILENAME)

// Store eval contents for in-memory lookups.
const evalFile = { input: '', output: '', version: 0 }

if (isEvalScript) {
evalAndExit(code, isPrinted)
} else {
if (stop < process.argv.length) {
const args = process.argv.slice(stop)
args[0] = resolve(cwd, args[0])
process.argv = ['node'].concat(args)
} else {
// Piping of execution _only_ occurs when no other script is specified.
if ((process.stdin as any).isTTY) {
} else {
let code = ''
process.stdin.on('data', (chunk: Buffer) => code += chunk)
process.stdin.on('end', () => evalAndExit(code, isPrinted))

* Evaluate a script.
function evalAndExit (code: string, isPrinted: boolean) {
global.__filename = EVAL_FILENAME
global.__dirname = cwd

const module = new Module(global.__filename)
module.filename = global.__filename
module.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(global.__dirname)

global.exports = module.exports
global.module = module
global.require = module.require.bind(module)

let result: any

try {
result = _eval(code, global)
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof TSError) {

throw error

if (isPrinted) {
console.log(typeof result === 'string' ? result : inspect(result))


* Stringify the `TSError` instance.
function print (error: TSError) {
return chalk.bold(`${'⨯')} Unable to compile TypeScript`) + `\n${error.diagnostics.join('\n')}`

* Print the error and exit.
function printAndExit (error: TSError) {

* Evaluate the code snippet.
function _eval (code: string, context: any) {
const undo = evalFile.input
const isCompletion = !/\n$/.test(code)

// Increment eval constants for the compiler to pick up changes.
evalFile.input += code

let output: string

// Undo on TypeScript compilation errors.
try {
output = service.compile(EVAL_PATH)
} catch (error) {
evalFile.input = undo

throw error

// Use `diff` to check for new JavaScript to execute.
const changes = diffLines(evalFile.output, output)

// Revert the code if running in "completion" environment. Updated the output
// to diff against future executions when evaling code.
if (isCompletion) {
evalFile.input = undo
} else {
evalFile.output = output

let result: any

// Iterate over the diff and evaluate `added` lines. The only removed lines
// should be the source map and lines that stay the same are ignored.
for (const change of changes) {
if (change.added) {
const script = createScript(change.value, EVAL_FILENAME)

result = script.runInNewContext(context)

return result

* Start a CLI REPL.
function startRepl () {
const repl = start({
prompt: '> ',
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
eval: replEval,
useGlobal: false

// Reset eval file information when repl is reset.
repl.on('reset', () => {
evalFile.input = ''
evalFile.output = ''
evalFile.version = 0

;(repl as any).defineCommand('type', {
help: 'Check the type of a TypeScript identifier',
action: function (identifier: string) {
if (!identifier) {
;(repl as any).displayPrompt()

const undo = evalFile.input

evalFile.input += identifier

const { name, comment } = service.getTypeInfo(EVAL_PATH, evalFile.input.length)

;(repl as any).outputStream.write(`${chalk.bold(name)}\n${comment ? `${comment}\n` : ''}`)
;(repl as any).displayPrompt()

evalFile.input = undo

* Eval code from the REPL.
function replEval (code: string, context: any, filename: string, callback: (err?: Error, result?: any) => any) {
let err: any
let result: any

// TODO: Figure out how to handle completion here.
if (code === '.scope') {

try {
result = _eval(code, context)
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof TSError) {
err = print(error)
} else {
err = error

callback(err, result)

* Split a string of values into an array.
function list (value: string | string[]) {
return String(value).split(/ *, */)

* Get the file text, checking for eval first.
function getFileEval (fileName: string) {
return fileName === EVAL_PATH ? evalFile.input : getFile(fileName)

* Get the file version, checking for eval first.
function getVersionEval (fileName: string) {
return fileName === EVAL_PATH ? String(evalFile.version) : getVersion(fileName)

* Get whether the file exists.
function getFileExistsEval (fileName: string) {
return fileName === EVAL_PATH ? true : getFileExists(fileName)

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