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This package allows users to provide a list of URLs for webpages of interest and creates a dataframe with Bag of Words representation that can then later be fed into a machine learning model of their choice. Users also have the option to produce a dataframe with just the raw text of their target webpages to apply the text representation of their choice instead.

Why BrokkR

There are some libraries and packages that can facilitate this job, from scraping text from a URL to returning it to a bag of words (BOW). However, to the extent of our knowledge, there is no sufficiently handy and straightforward package for this purpose. This package is a tailored combination of Rvest and CountVectorizer. Rvest widely used to pull different sources of data from HTML and XML pages, and CountVectorizer is a well-known package to convert a collection of texts to a matrix of token counts.


The BrokkR package includes the following four functions:

  • create_id(): Takes a character vector of webpage urls as an input and returns a character vector of unique identifiers for each webpage based on their url. The identifier is composed of the main webpage name and if multiple urls share the same parent webpage name, then the sequential ids are appended by a number.
  • brok_scrape() : Takes a character vector of urls and using Rvest extracts the raw text from each and creates a list as an output. Polite was used to avoid being flagged as malicious during the scraping process.
  • duster(): Takes a character vector of urls and uses the above two functions to create a tibble with the webpage identifiers, the raw url, and the raw text from the webpage with extra line breaks removed as columns.
  • bow(): Takes a tibble as an input and returns the tibble with bag of words represenation appended.


You can install the development version of BrokkR from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


To see a detailed example of the usage of this package, please see the vignette called “Example Usage” under the Articles Tab.


urls <- c('', '')

#if you want the raw text only
df_bow <- duster(urls)
#> Test passed 🥳
#> Test passed 🥳

#if you want bag of words representation
df_bow <- duster(urls) |> bow()
#> Test passed 😀
#> Test passed 😀