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ABLATE Flame Generator

This executable uses ABLATE to generate a flame of flames based upon the specified input file. This code assumes that a !ablate::solver::SteadyStateStepper is used for the time stepper.

Additional ABLATE Flame Generator options can be specified in the input file root as:

# flameGenerator specific inputs
  maxNumberFlames: 1000 # the max number of flame that are created
  scaleFactor: 0.95 # the scaling factor between flames

An example input file is

# This example will run a diffusion flame until the solution reaches quasi steady state as
# defined by the criteria list given to the time stepper
  title: _steadyStateDiffusionFlame
  tagDirectory: false
arguments: { }
# flameGenerator specific inputs
  maxNumberFlames: 1000
  scaleFactor: 0.95

# Create a stead state stepper.  The Stead State Stepper marches the solution in time until a set of criteria is met
timestepper: !ablate::solver::SteadyStateStepper
  # The Steady state stepper can output using the standard serializers
  io: !ablate::io::Hdf5MultiFileSerializer
    # results are saved at every 0 steps.  In real simulations this should be much larger.
    interval: 100
  # Pass the standard petsc arguments to the TS.
    ts_type: rk
    ts_max_time: 1
    ts_max_steps: 500000 # If convergence is not reached by ts_max_steps an exception is thrown
    ts_dt: 1.0e-10
    ts_adapt_safety: 0.75
  # A list of criteria can be given to the steady state stepper.  All criteria must be met to be considered converged
    # The VariableChange measures the norm between the current and previous variable state.  If less than the tolerance
    # the variable is considered converged
    - !ablate::solver::criteria::VariableChange
      name: temperature
      tolerance: 0.5
      norm: l2_norm
    # The valid range does not check for convergence but throws an error is all points fall outside the valid range.
    # This is useful for checking for invalid results such as flame extinguishment
    - !ablate::solver::criteria::ValidRange
      name: temperature
      lowerBound: 2000
      upperBound: 100000
  # state how many time steps will be completed between criteria checks
  checkInterval: 10
  # the steady state steppers allows for a log to monitor convergence rate
  log: !ablate::monitors::logs::StdOut

  # Create a 1D BoxMeshBoundaryCells to monitor the solution
  domain: !ablate::domain::BoxMeshBoundaryCells
    name: simpleBoxField
    faces: [ 200 ]
    lower: [ 0.0 ]
    upper: [ 0.01 ]
    simplex: false
      dm_plex_hash_location: true
      # distribute the mesh across the mpi rank with ghost cells
      - !ablate::domain::modifiers::DistributeWithGhostCells
        ghostCellDepth: 2
      - !ablate::finiteVolume::CompressibleFlowFields
        # create an ideal gas eos using the tchem library
        eos: !ablate::eos::TChem  &eos
          mechFile: gri30.yaml
            # set a minimum temperature for the chemical kinetics ode integration
            thresholdTemperature: 560
          petscfv_type: leastsquares
          name: domain
      - !ablate::domain::FieldDescription
        name: pressure
        type: FV
        location: aux
          name: domain
  # provide an initial condition for the flow field
    # Set up the euler field (density, density*energy, density*vel) based upon temperature, pressure, velocity and mass fractions
    - !ablate::finiteVolume::fieldFunctions::Euler
      state: &flowFieldState
        eos: *eos
          "x < 0 ? 653.0  : (x > .01 ? 300.0 : (x < 0.007 ? (306714.2857*x + 653): (-833333.3333*x + 8633.33)  ))"
        pressure: 101325.0
        velocity: "0.0"
        other: !ablate::finiteVolume::fieldFunctions::MassFractions
          eos: *eos
            - fieldName: O2
              field: !ablate::mathFunctions::Linear
                startValues: [ 0.0 ]
                endValues: [ 1.0 ]
                end: .01

            - fieldName: CH4
              field: !ablate::mathFunctions::Linear
                startValues: [ 1.0 ]
                endValues: [ 0.0 ]
                end: .01
    # initialize the conserved mass fractions using the same flow staet
    - !ablate::finiteVolume::fieldFunctions::DensityMassFractions
      state: *flowFieldState

# set the solvers diffusion flame
  # The compressible flow solver is required to solve diffusion and reactions in the flow
  - !ablate::finiteVolume::CompressibleFlowSolver
    id: flowField
    # only apply this solver on the main region (no bc cells)
      name: interiorCells
    # the flow solver requires the equation of state to compute properties
    eos: *eos
    # Allow transport used the Sutherland model
    transport: !ablate::eos::transport::Sutherland
      eos: *eos
    # in addition to the standard processes add chemistry reactions and a pressure fix to keep the diffusion flame at 1 ATM
      - !ablate::finiteVolume::processes::Chemistry
        eos: *eos
      - !ablate::finiteVolume::processes::ConstantPressureFix
        eos: *eos
        pressure: 101325.0
      - !ablate::monitors::TimeStepMonitor
        interval: 25

      - !ablate::monitors::MixtureFractionMonitor
        mixtureFractionCalculator: !ablate::monitors::MixtureFractionCalculator
          eos: *eos
          massFractionsFuel: !ablate::finiteVolume::fieldFunctions::MassFractions
            eos: *eos
              - fieldName: CH4
                field: 1.0
          massFractionsOxidizer: !ablate::finiteVolume::fieldFunctions::MassFractions
            eos: *eos
              - fieldName: O2
                field: 1.0

  # use a fixed inlet to enforce boundary conditions on the right side
  - !ablate::boundarySolver::BoundarySolver
    id: walls
      name: boundaryCellsRight
      name: boundaryFaces
    mergeFaces: true
      - !ablate::boundarySolver::lodi::Inlet
        eos: *eos

  # use a fixed inlet to enforce boundary conditions on the left side
  - !ablate::boundarySolver::BoundarySolver
    id: slab boundary
      name: boundaryCellsLeft
      name: boundaryFaces
      - !ablate::boundarySolver::lodi::Inlet
        eos: *eos
  - !ablate::radiation::VolumeRadiation
    id: radiationSolver
      name: interiorCells
    interval: 3
    radiation: !ablate::radiation::Radiation
      id: volRad
        name: interiorCells
      rays: 25
      properties: !ablate::eos::radiationProperties::Zimmer
        eos: *eos


You must install PETSc following the instructions for you system on the ABLATE Build Wiki along with setting additional PETSc environmental variable:

export PETSC_DIR="" #UPDATE to the real path of petsc

Optional: Specify local ABLATE instead of using the latest

If developing features for ABLATE you may want to specify a local build of ABLATE_PATH instead of downloading it as an environment variable.

export ABLATE_PATH="" #OPTIONAL path to ABLATE source directory/path/to/ablate/source/dir

Downloading and Building with CLion

CLion is a C/C++ IDE that uses cmake files for configuration. These directions outline the steps to running the framework with CLion.

  1. Download and Install CLion.
  2. Open CLion and select Get From VCS from the welcome window and either
    • (recommended) Select GitHub and Login/Authorize access. Then follow on-screen instructions to clone your repo of ABLATE Flame Generator,
    • Select Git from the Version Control dropdown and enter your ABLATE Flame Generator Repo.
  3. Enable the ablate-flame-generator-debug and ablate-flame-generator-opt profiles.
    • If not opened by default, open the Settings / Preferences > Build, Execution, Deployment > CMake preference window from the menu bar.
    • Select the ablate-flame-generator-debug and click the "Enable profile". Repeat for the ablate-flame-generator-opt and apply/close the window.
    • Select the ablate-flame-generator-debug or ablate-flame-generator-opt build profile under the build toolbar. In short, the debug build makes it easier to debug but is slower. The release/optimized build is faster to execute.
    • Disable any other profile
  4. Select the ablateFlameGenerator configuration and add --input /path/to/input/file.yaml to the Program Arguments under configuration.
  5. If you are new to CLion it is recommended that you read through the CLion Quick Start Guide.

Downloading and Building with the Command Line

  1. Clone your ABLATE client Repo onto your local machine. It is recommended that you setup passwordless ssh for accessing GitHub.
  2. Move into the ablate client directory
  3. Configure and build ABLATE FLA client. Both the debug and optimized versions are built. If you are developing new capabilities you may want to specify debug. If you are running large simulations specify opt.
    # debug mode
    cmake --preset=ablate-flame-generator-debug
    cmake --build --preset=ablate-flame-generator-debug-build -j
    # optimized
    cmake --preset=ablate-flame-generator-opt
    cmake --build --preset=ablate-flame-generator-opt-build -j
  4. Run the client executable (You may have changed the name of the executable)
    # debug mode
    $PETSC_DIR/arch-ablate-debug/bin/mpirun -n 1 cmake-build-debug/ablateFlameGenerator --input /path/to/input/file.yaml
    # optimized
    $PETSC_DIR/arch-ablate-opt/bin/mpirun -n 1 cmake-build-opt/ablateFlameGenerator  --input /path/to/input/file.yaml


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