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Data Reduction

etortorici edited this page May 21, 2024 · 2 revisions

After using WAXS/SAXS or GIWAXS/GISAXS a Jupyter Notebook template will be copied from Documents/XRDpy/Jupyter-Notebooks to the data directory. The notebook can be run to reduce the data to a line plot of intensity vs $q$.

Jupyter Notebooks can be run in a number of ways. The easiest way is using the VS Code IDE (this should have been installed if you followed along the installation instructions, VS Code should be installed. To launch, right click somewhere in the directory in the File Explorer and select "Open with Code" (on Windows 11, you will have to first select "Show more options" to reveal this option).

With VS Code opened, you can view the contents of the directory on the left under "EXPLORER" (click the paper icon or press CTRL+SHIFT+E). Double click the Jupyter Notebook file. You can run the entire notebook by clicking "Run All". At this point VS Code will prompt you to select the Python environment to use, and you should see your xrd environment created with Anaconda.

Explanation of cells

  1. Import relevant packages and configure matplotlib to have LaTeX styling. Import the data
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