The Thanzi la Onse model (TLOmodel) is a part of the Thanzi la Onse (Health for All) Collaboration. Our fundamental aim is to develop the use of epidemiological and economic science to effect a step-change in the way that health priorities are addressed through policy interventions in low-income countries. We are doing this by developing a model that represents explicitly the generation of health gains in a population, which can be used to examine the effect of resource allocation, management and clinical practice, in order to contribute to informing decision-making.
- Documentation:
- Getting started:
- Contributing:
- Bug reports:
- Wiki:
TLOmodel is developed in a collaboration between:
- Kamuzu University of Health Sciences
- MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, Imperial College London
- Institute for Global Health, University College London
- Centre for Advanced Research Computing, University College London
- Centre for Health Economics, University of York
- East, Central, and Southern African Health Community
It benefits from a close partnership between this team and the Ministry of Health, Malawi.
A full list of contributors is available in the documentation.
This work has been funded by grants from Wellcome, GCRF and UKRI.