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Baselines for the UDASE task of the CHiME-7 challenge


We pre-train a supervised Sudo rm- rf [1,2] teacher on some out-of-domain data (e.g. Libri1to3mix) and try to adapt a student model with the RemixIT [3] method on the unlabeled CHiME-5 data.

Fully-supervised Sudo rm -rf out-of-domain teacher

  • The supervised Sudo rm -rf model has been trained on the out-of-domain (OOD) Libri3mix data using the available isolated clean speech and noise signals, where the proportion of 1-speaker, 2-speaker, and 3-speaker mixtures is set to 0.5, 0.25, and 0.25, respectively.
  • The trained model has an encoder/decoder with 512 basis, 41 filter taps, a hop-size of 20 time-samples, and a depth of U = 8 U-ConvBlocks.
  • We use as a loss function the negative scale invariant signal-to-noise ratio (SI-SNR) with equal weights on the speaker mix and the noise component.
  • We let the model train with an initial learning rate of 0.001 for 80 epochs while decreasing it to a third of its value every 15 epochs.

Self-supervised RemixIT's student

  • The RemixIT network uses the pre-trained OOD supervised teacher and initializes exactly the same network as a student from the same checkpoint.

  • In a nutshell, RemixIT uses the mixtures from the CHiME-5 data in the following way:

      1. it feeds a batch of CHiME-5 mixtures in the frozen teacher to get some estimated speech and estimated noise waveforms;
      1. it permutes the teacher's estimated noise waveforms across the batch dimension;
      1. it synthesizes new bootstrapped mixtures by adding the initial speech teacher's estimates with the permuted teacher's noise estimates;
      1. it trains the student model using as pseudo-targets the teacher's estimates.

      We use as a loss function the negative scale invariant signal-to-noise ratio (SI-SNR) with equal weights on both speech and noise pseudo-targets provided by the teacher network.

      Although multiple teacher update protocols can be used, we have chosen to use an exponential moving average update [3] with a teacher momentum of $\gamma=0.99$, which can potentially provide the student model with even higher quality estimates than the initial OOD pre-trained teacher model. An exponential movin teacher weight update (notice that for $\gamma=0$ the update protocol reduces to a sequentially updated teacher): $$\theta_{\mathcal{T}}^{(j+1)} = \gamma \theta_{\mathcal{T}}^{(j)} + (1 - \gamma) \theta_{\mathcal{S}}^{(j)}$$


    • Fully-supervised out-of-domain teacher model:

    • We train the student models with the EMA teacher protocol update with an initial learning rate of 0.0003 and decreasing it to a third of its value every 10 epochs. We pick the student model chekpoint with the highest mean overall MOS as computed by DNS-MOS on the dev set

    • When training with the CHiME-5 data automatically annotated with Brouhaha's VAD (potentially all training mixtures would contain at least one active speaker), we choose the checkpoint with the highest mean overall MOS as computed by DNS-MOS on the dev set

Table of contents

Datasets generation

Two datasets are required for generation, namely, Libri3mix and CHiME-5.

  • LibriMix: For the generation of Libri3Mix one can follow the instructions here or just follow this:
cd {path_to_generate_Libri3mix}
git clone
cd LibriMix 
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda install -c conda-forge sox # for linux
# conda install -c groakat sox # for windows
chmod +x
./ storage_dir 

Note: If you have limited space, you can modify to generate only Libri3Mix (not Libri2Mix) with freqs=16k and modes=min.

  • CHiME-5: For the generation of the CHiME-5 data follow the instructions here or just follow these steps (this step requires the existence of CHiME-5 data under some path, apply-and-get-CHiME5-here):
cd {path_to_generate_CHiME_processed_data}
# clone data repository
git clone
cd CHiME-5

# create CHiME conda environment
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate CHiME

# Run the appropriate scripts to create the training, dev and eval datasets
python {insert_path_of_CHiME5_data} json_files {insert_path_of_processed_10s_CHiME5_data} --train_10s

# Create the training data with VAD annotations - might somewhat help with the adaptation
python {insert_path_of_CHiME5_data} json_files {insert_path_of_processed_10s_CHiME5_data} --train_10s --train_vad --train_only
  • LibriCHiME-5: For the generation of the reverberant LibriCHiME-5 data follow the instructions here.

Repo and paths configurations

Set the paths for the aforementioned datasets and include the path of this repo.

git clone
export PYTHONPATH={the path that you stored the github repo}:$PYTHONPATH
cd baseline
python -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt

You should change the following in

LIBRI3MIX_ROOT_PATH = '{inset_path_to_Libri3mix}'
CHiME_ROOT_PATH = '{insert_path_of_processed_CHiME5_data}'
LIBRICHiME_ROOT_PATH = '{insert_path_of_processed_LibriCHiME5_data}'

API_KEY = 'your_comet_ml_API_key'

To get your_comet_ml_API_key, you can follow the instructions here.

How to train the supervised teacher

Running the out-of-domain supervised teacher with SI-SNR loss is as easy as:

cd {the path that you stored the github repo}/baseline
python -Wignore --train libri1to3mix --val libri1to3mix libri1to3chime --test libri1to3mix \
-fs 16000 --enc_kernel_size 81 --num_blocks 8 --out_channels 256 --divide_lr_by 3. \
--upsampling_depth 7 --patience 15  -tags supervised_ood_teacher --n_epochs 81 \
--project_name uchime_baseline_v3 --clip_grad_norm 5.0 --save_models_every 10 --audio_timelength 8.0 \
--p_single_speaker 0.5 --min_or_max min --max_num_sources 2 \
--checkpoint_storage_path {insert_path_to_save_models} --log_audio --apply_mixture_consistency \
--n_jobs 12 -cad 2 3 -bs 24

Don't forget to set n_jobs to the number of CPUs to use, cad to the cuda ids to be used and bs to the batch size used w.r.t. your system. Also you need to set the checkpoint_storage_path to a valid path.

How to adapt the RemixIT student

If you want to adapt your model to the CHiME-5 data you can use as a warm-up checkpoint the previous teacher model and perform RemixIT using the CHiME-5 mixture dataset (in order to use the annotated with VAD data just simple use the --use_vad at the end of the followin command):

cd {the path that you stored the github repo}/baseline
python -Wignore --train chime --val chime libri1to3chime --test libri1to3mix \
-fs 16000 --enc_kernel_size 81 --num_blocks 8 --out_channels 256 --divide_lr_by 3. \
--student_depth_growth 1 --n_epochs_teacher_update 1 --teacher_momentum 0.99 \
--upsampling_depth 7 --patience 10 --learning_rate 0.0003 -tags remixit student allData \
--n_epochs 100 --project_name uchime_baseline_v3 --clip_grad_norm 5.0 --audio_timelength 8.0 \
--min_or_max min --max_num_sources 2 --save_models_every 1 --initialize_student_from_checkpoint \
--warmup_checkpoint ../pretrained_checkpoints/ \
--checkpoint_storage_path {insert_path_to_save_models} --log_audio --apply_mixture_consistency \
--n_jobs 12 -cad 2 3 -bs 24

How to load a pretrained checkpoint

import torch
import torchaudio
import baseline.utils.mixture_consistency as mixture_consistency
import baseline.models.improved_sudormrf as improved_sudormrf

model = improved_sudormrf.SuDORMRF(
# You can load the state_dict as here:
model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model).cuda()

# Scale the input mixture, perform inference and apply mixture consistency
input_mix, _ = torchaudio.load('audio_file.wav') # audio file should be mono channel
input_mix = input_mix.unsqueeze(1).cuda() 
# input_mix.shape = (batch, 1, time_samples)
input_mix_std = input_mix.std(-1, keepdim=True)
input_mix_mean = input_mix.mean(-1, keepdim=True)
input_mix = (input_mix - input_mix_mean) / (input_mix_std + 1e-9)

estimates = model(input_mix)
estimates = mixture_consistency.apply(estimates, input_mix)

Instructions for performance evaluation

Loudness normalization

Participants are asked to:

  • normalize the signals to -30 LUFS before computing the DNS-MOS performance scores;
  • normalize the submitted audio signals to -30 LUFS for the CHiME-5 dataset (eval/1 and eval/listening_test subsets).

The motivation for this normalization is that DNS-MOS (especially the SIG and BAK scores) is very sensitive to a change of the input signal loudness. This sensitivity to the overall signal loudness would make it difficult to compare different systems without a common normalization procedure.

Regarding the listening tests, we do not want to evaluate the overall gain of the submitted systems, which is the reason why we also ask participants to normalize the submitted signals.

The value of -30 LUFS for the normalized loudness was chosen to avoid clipping of most of the unprocessed mixture signals in the CHiME-5 dataset. In the dev set of CHiME-5, less than 2% of the unprocessed mixtures clip after loudness normalization to -30 LUFS. Clipping of the CHiME-5 mixtures seems to be mostly due to friction-like noise caused by manipulations/movements of the in-ear binaural microphone worn by the participants of the CHiME-5 dinner parties. In the eval set of CHiME-5, none of the unprocessed mixtures clip after loudness normalization to -30 LUFS.

We ask to use Pyloudnorm for loudness normalization to -30 LUFS. An example code is given below.

import soundfile as sf
import pyloudnorm as pyln

x, sr ="test.wav") # load audio

# peak normalize to an arbitrary value, e.g. 0.7
# this might be necessary before computing the loudness, to avoid -inf
x = x/np.max(np.abs(x))*0.7 

# measure the loudness 
meter = pyln.Meter(sr) # create loudness meter
loudness = meter.integrated_loudness(x)

# loudness normalize to -30 LUFS
x_norm = pyln.normalize.loudness(x, loudness, -30.0)

Computing the performance scores

Participants are asked to use the following functions to compute the performance scores of the submitted system:

  • baseline.metrics.dnnmos_metric.compute_dnsmos
  • baseline.metrics.sisdr_metric.compute_sisdr

We will use these functions to verify the provided performance numbers by scoring the submitted audio files. It is therefore important that participants verify their evaluation is reproducible using the above functions.

Evaluation file

Running and evaluating the baseline can be done using the file.

The function compute_metrics of the file is independent of the baseline system. Participants can thus use it to report the results of their system for the UDASE task of CHiME-7.

Usage of the compute_metrics function:

Assume the directory <output_path>/audio is structured as shown in the tree below.

        ├── CHiME-5
        │   └── eval
        │       └── 1
        ├── LibriMix
        │   ├── Libri2Mix
        │   │   └── wav16k
        │   │       └── max
        │   │           └── test
        │   │               ├── mix_both
        │   │               └── mix_single
        │   └── Libri3Mix
        │       └── wav16k
        │           └── max
        │               └── test
        │                   └── mix_both
        └── reverberant-LibriCHiME-5
            └── eval
                ├── 1
                ├── 2
                └── 3

At each leaf of this tree, we have a directory that contains the output wav files of the system. The mandatory naming convention for the wav files is the following:

  • For CHiME-5, the output signal corresponding to the input signal <mix ID>.wav should be named <mix ID>_output.wav. For example, the output signal <output_path>/audio/CHiME-5/eval/1/S01_P01_0_output.wav corresponds to the input signal <chime5_input_path>/eval/1/S01_P01_0.wav
  • For reverberant LibriCHiME-5, the output signal corresponding to the input signal <mix ID>_mix.wav should be named <mix ID>_output.wav. For example, the output signal <output_path>/audio/reverberant-LibriCHiME-5/eval/1/S01_P01_0a_output.wav corresponds to the input signal <reverberant_librichime5_input_path>/eval/1/S01_P01_0a_mix.wav
  • For LibriMix, the output signal corresponding to the input signal <mix ID>.wav should be named <mix ID>_output.wav. For example, the output signal <output_path>/audio/LibriMix/Libri2Mix/wav16k/max/test/mix_single/61-70968-0000_8455-210777-0012_output.wav corresponds to the input signal <librimix_input_path>/Libri2Mix/wav16k/max/test/mix_single/61-70968-0000_8455-210777-0012.wav.

To compute the results for a given dataset, we should set the input variables xxx_input_path and xxx_subsets appropriately (see Parameters section above). If xxx_input_path and xxx_subsets are set to None (default), results will not be computed for the corresponding dataset.

For the example directory <output_path>/audio shown above, we set the input variables as follows (this is just an example, of course you should adapt the paths):

## CHiME-5 data ##

# path to the input data
chime5_input_path = '/data2/datasets/UDASE-CHiME2023/CHiME-5'

# subsets to process
chime5_subsets = ['eval/1']

## Reverberant LibriCHiME-5 data ##

# path to the input data
reverberant_librichime5_input_path = '/data2/datasets/UDASE-CHiME2023/reverberant-LibriCHiME-5'

# subsets to process
reverberant_librichime5_subsets = ['eval/1', 'eval/2', 'eval/3']

## LibriMix data ##

# path to the input data
librimix_input_path = '/data/datasets/LibriMix'

# subsets to process
librimix_subsets = ['Libri2Mix/wav16k/max/test/mix_single', 

After setting appropriately the variable output_path, for instance with

output_path = '/data2/datasets/UDASE-CHiME2023/baseline_results/remixit-vad'

we can call the compute_metrics function:


This function will save the objective performance results in a csv file results.csv located in the folders CHiME-5, LibriMix or reverberant-LibriCHiME-5 at <output_path>/csv.

If for instance you only want to compute the results on the CHiME-5 dataset, then set to None the input variables for the other datasets:


If the optional input variable compute_input_scores is set to True, an additional csv file results_unprocessed.csv will be saved at the same location as results.csv. It will contain the performance scores for the unprocessed noisy speech signals.

Baseline performance

Eval sets

These scores were computed using the script

  • Reverberant LibriCHiME-5

    Results are averaged on the following subsets: eval/1; eval/2; eval/3.

    SI-SDR (dB)
    unprocessed 6.59
    Sudo rm -rf (fully-supervised out-of-domain teacher) 7.80
    RemixIT (self-supervised student) 9.44
    RemixIT (self-supervised student) using VAD 10.05
  • CHiME-5

    Results are averaged on the eval/1 subset.

    unprocessed 2.84 2.92 3.48
    Sudo rm -rf (fully-supervised out-of-domain teacher) 2.88 3.59 3.33
    RemixIT (self-supervised student) 2.82 3.64 3.26
    RemixIT (self-supervised student) using VAD 2.84 3.62 3.28
  • LibriMix (optional)

    Results are averaged on the following subsets: Libri2Mix/wav16k/max/test/mix_single; Libri2Mix/wav16k/max/test/mix_both; Libri3Mix/wav16k/max/test/mix_both.

    SI-SDR (dB)
    unprocessed 4.91
    Sudo rm -rf (fully-supervised out-of-domain teacher) 13.23
    RemixIT (self-supervised student) 11.47
    RemixIT (self-supervised student) using VAD 12.15

Dev sets

These scores were computed using the script baseline/utils/

  • Reverberant LibriCHiME-5

    Results are averaged on the following subsets: dev/1; dev/2; dev/3.

    SI-SDR (dB)
    unprocessed 6.57
    Sudo rm -rf (fully-supervised out-of-domain teacher) 8.23
    RemixIT (self-supervised student) 9.46
    RemixIT (self-supervised student) using VAD 9.83
  • CHiME-5

    Results are averaged on the dev/1 subset.

    unprocessed 3.03 3.04 3.64
    Sudo rm -rf (fully-supervised out-of-domain teacher) 3.08 3.79 3.48
    RemixIT (self-supervised student) 3.07 3.84 3.43
    RemixIT (self-supervised student) using VAD 3.09 3.85 3.46


[1] Tzinis, E., Wang, Z., & Smaragdis, P. (2020, September). Sudo rm-rf: Efficient networks for universal audio source separation. In 2020 IEEE 30th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP).

[2] Tzinis, E., Wang, Z., Jiang, X., and Smaragdis, P., Compute and memory efficient universal sound source separation. In Journal of Signal Processing Systems, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 245–259, 2022, Springer.

[3] Tzinis, E., Adi, Y., Ithapu, V. K., Xu, B., Smaragdis, P., & Kumar, A. (October, 2022). RemixIT: Continual self-training of speech enhancement models via bootstrapped remixing. In IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.


If you use this code in your research, please cite:

Leglaive, S., Borne, L., Tzinis, E., Sadeghi, M., Fraticelli, M., Wisdom, S., Pariente, M., Pressnitzer, D., & Hershey, J. R. (2023). The CHiME-7 UDASE task: Unsupervised domain adaptation for conversational speech enhancement. In 7th International Workshop on Speech Processing in Everyday Environments (CHiME).