It's very simple. Goal: Evaluate whether the question and answer answer are reasonable.
- To start:
cd human_data_review/gpt-3_semantic_search && python
It will resume from wherever the last person left off. So please commit & push as soon as you finish your work. If you face merge conflicts, open up VS-Code and make sure to "accept both" changes.
Just enter a single number from 1 (best) to 3 (garbage) and press enter.
1. ⭐️ Top Quality: Impressive, clear, coherent, complete ideas.
Please have a high bar for quality, about 20% of items should hit this quality.
2. 👍 Decent: Maybe not super impressive detail, but still generally clear and correct.
Slightly incomplete sentences are ok, but if it's too random for you to understand,
just delete it. About 50% of items shuold fit this quality.
3. 🚫 To delete: Incomplete ideas, unrelated questions and answers, random or
'hallucinated' rambling. Roughly 30% should fit this quality.
To exit press
(same on windows/mac/linux). Then you must pressy
to save your changes. Or you can pressn
to discard changes (there is no undo for this step!). -
git commit -a
&git push
your changes so others can build on your work.
Thank you for your help!! For any help, email me