General Scala IO functionality such as JSON schema validation
Project built with the following (main) technologies:
The project is built with SBT. On a Mac (sorry everyone else) do:
brew install sbt
It is also a good idea to install Typesafe Activator (which sits on top of SBT) for when you need to create new projects - it also has some SBT extras, so running an application with Activator instead of SBT can be useful. On Mac do:
brew install typesafe-activator
To compile:
sbt compile
activator compile
To run the specs:
sbt test
To run integration specs:
sbt it:test
To publish the jar to artifactory you will need to
- Copy the .credentials file into your /.ivy2/
- Edit this .credentials file to fill in the artifactory security credentials (amend the realm name and host where necessary)
sbt publish
Note that initially this project refers to some libraries held within a private Artifactory. However, those libraries have been open sourced under
- Validate JSON against a JSON schema:
val json: JValue = getYourJson()
val schema: JValue = getYourSchema()
val Right(result) = JsonSchema(schema).validate(json) // Assuming successful validation
- Transform JSON from one structure to another:
val yourJsonTransformer = new JsonTransformer {
def transform(json: JValue): JValue Or JsonError = {
val JsonTransformation(oldJson, newJson) = (
map("name" -> "superName") ~
mapArray("fee" -> "payment.feeInPence", field => JInt(BigInt(field.extract[String])))
val flatJson = parse("""
"name": "Batman",
"fee_1": "12",
"fee_2": "15",
"fee_3": 18
val json = parse("""
"superName": "Batman",
"payment": [
{ "feeInPence": 12 },
{ "feeInPence": 15 },
{ "feeInPence": 18 }
// Assuming successful transformation
transform(flatJson) mustEqual Right(json)
Note - if required (though not advised) the EmptyJsonSchema can be used to all JSON to be validated successfully.
There are several online JSON schema validation tools such as JSON Schema Validator
Alternatively, a JSON schema can be validated from the Scala REPL by doing the following:
jsonFromFilepath("src/test/resources/schema-test.json") map { JsonSchema(_) }
If you've given a valid file path and the schema is valid, the result will be something like:
res3: scala.util.Try[] = Success(