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Repository files navigation

Production CI

Folder structure

  • lib/: Contains all the code of the applicaction:
    • main.dart: Entry point of the app, it setups the general configurations.
    • components/: Contains all the specific components which are reused along all the code.
      • buttons/: Contains all the custom buttons used in the app
      • chessLogic/: Contains the core of the gameplay logic and all the elements that we visualize in game.
      • communications/: Contains the core of the API/Socket calls to the backend.
      • popups/: Contains all the different popups of the application.
      • visual/: Contains all the customizations in visual aspects like the theme colors.
      • data/: Contains all the classes/singletons which have information.
    • pages/: Contains all the screens code.
      • auth_pages: Contains the login, registry, password recover screens code.
      • game_pages: Contains the core gameplay screen code.
      • menus_pages: Contains all the intermediate screens between the login and the gameplay.
  • images/: Logos and chess pieces images.
  • pubspec.yaml: Dependencies of the application.
  • assets/: Icons and animations of the application.
  • fonts/: Fonts of the application.

How to run

flutter run

How to build apk

flutter build apk


Versión móvil del proyecto 'Chess' desarrollado en proyecto software





Contributors 4

