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jamqu edited this page Apr 21, 2022 · 2 revisions

Creating Users

Creating users is a simple and controlled process. Currently the way to create a user is to use the Register link on the main page. The basic info that is required is a first name, last name, email, and password. Further development to allow the admin user to create batches of users would be useful.

User Login

User login is done using the user's email and their password.

User Profile Page

User Profile information can be accessed through the sidebar menu that is presented when a user is logged in. That page presents the currently logged in user their user details.

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Editing User Data

Editing the user's data is done through the Edit User Profile page that is accessed by clicking the red button on the User Profile page. On the Edit page all of the user's relevant can be updated to more current info. Validation checks are done on all information but the only required fields that will cause an update to be rejected is editing the user's email.

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Admin User Controls

The admin user controls can be accessed by the admin user (ie Dr Montelpare) when they enter their own User Profile page. A button labelled 'admin' exists only for the admin user. When they click that button they will be moved to a page with a list of all users. Beside each user there are two buttons: Delete and Assign Treatment. Clicking the delete button will delete that user, this action is not reversible. Clicking the Assign Treatment button will take the admin to a page similar where they can fill in the details of a treatment which will be assigned to the selected user. The selected user will then be able to see the newly added treatments when they login and visit their treatment page. Below is a example image of the UserList admin page.

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