NativeScript plugin to provide a way to capture any drawing (signatures are a common use case) from the device. You can use this component to capture really anything you want that can be drawn on the screen. Go crazy with it!!!
Formally this plugin was nativescript-signaturepad, to improve visiblity and adoption it has been renamed.
Android | iOS |
![]() |
![]() |
Android | iOS |
gcacace/android-signaturepad | SignatureView |
From your command prompt/termial go to your app's root folder and execute:
tns plugin add nativescript-drawingpad
<Page xmlns="" xmlns:DrawingPad="nativescript-drawingpad" loaded="pageLoaded">
<ActionBar title="NativeScript-DrawingPad" />
penColor="{{ penColor }}" penWidth="{{ penWidth }}" />
import { topmost } from 'ui/frame';
import { DrawingPad } from 'nativescript-drawingpad';
// To get the drawing...
public getMyDrawing() {
let drawingPad = topmost().getViewById('myDrawingPad');
drawingPad.getDrawing().then((res) => {
// If you want to clear the signature/drawing...
public clearMyDrawing() {
let drawingPad = topmost().getViewById('myDrawingPad');
import {Component, ElementRef, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {registerElement} from "nativescript-angular/element-registry";
registerElement("DrawingPad", () => require("nativescript-drawingpad").DrawingPad);
selector: 'drawing-pad-example',
template: `
<DrawingPad #DrawingPad
penColor="#ff4081" penWidth="3">
<StackLayout orientation="horizontal">
<Button text="Get Drawing" (tap)="getMyDrawing()"></Button>
<Button text="Clear Drawing" (tap)="clearMyDrawing()"></Button>
export class DrawingPadExample {
@ViewChild("DrawingPad") DrawingPad: ElementRef;
getMyDrawing(args) {
// get reference to the drawing pad
let pad = this.DrawingPad.nativeElement;
// then get the drawing (Bitmap on Android) of the drawingpad
let drawingImage;
pad.getDrawing().then(function(data) {
drawingImage = data;
}, function(err) {
clearMyDrawing(args) {
var pad = this.DrawingPad.nativeElement;
penColor - (color string) - optional
Attribute to specify the pen (stroke) color to use.
penWidth - (int) - optional
Attribute to specify the pen (stroke) width to use.
getDrawing() - Promise (returns image if successful)
clearDrawing() - clears the drawing from the DrawingPad view.
- getTransparentDrawing() - Promise (returns a bitmap with a transparent background)
- getDrawingSvg() - Promise (returns a Scalable Vector Graphics document)