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Cartesi Rollups Examples

This repository includes examples of decentralized applications implemented using Cartesi Rollups.

You can use online development environments such as Gitpod and CodeSandbox to open this repository directly in your browser with all required dependencies already installed. These services allow you to start experimenting immediately, but keep in mind that they are provided by third-parties and are subject to unavailability and policy changes. They may also require access to your GitHub account in order to work properly.

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From a developer’s point of view, each decentralized application or DApp is composed of two main parts: a front-end and a back-end.

The front-end corresponds to the user-facing interface, which for these examples will correspond to a command-line console application.

On the other hand, the back-end contains the business logic of the application, similar to what traditional systems would run inside a server. Its basic goal is to store and update the application state as user input is received, producing corresponding outputs. These outputs can come in the form of vouchers (transactions that can be carried out on layer-1, such as a transfer of assets) and notices (informational statements that can be verified on layer-1, such as the resulting score of a game). In addition to that, the back-end can also issue reports, which correspond to general information that does not need to be verifiable by third-parties, such as application logs.

When compared to traditional software development, the main difference of a Cartesi DApp is that the back-end is deployed to a decentralized network of layer-2 nodes, who continuously verify the correctness of all processing results. As a consequence, the front-end and back-end do not communicate directly with each other. Rather, the front-end sends inputs to the Cartesi Rollups framework, who in turn makes them available to the back-end instances running inside each node. After the inputs are processed by the back-end logic, the corresponding outputs are then informed back to the Rollups framework, which enforces their correctness and makes them available to the front-end and any other interested parties.


As discussed above, the front-end and back-end parts of a Cartesi DApp communicate with each other through the Rollups framework. This is accomplished in practice by using a set of HTTP interfaces, which are specified in Cartesi's OpenAPI Interfaces repository.


The DApp's back-end interacts with the Cartesi Rollups framework by retrieving processing requests and then submitting corresponding outputs.


The front-end part of the DApp needs to access the Cartesi Rollups framework to submit user inputs and retrieve the corresponding vouchers, notices and reports produced by the back-end. As mentioned before, it is possible to interact with all the examples in this repository through the minimalistic and general-purpose frontend-console application.


Docker version 20.10.14 is required for building the environment and executing the examples.

The below instructions have been tested in systems running both Linux (Ubuntu), MacOS, and Windows (using WSL, which is highly recommended for Windows users).


To run the examples, first clone the repository as follows:

git clone

Then, for each example, build the required docker images:

cd <example>
docker buildx bake --load

This will also build the example's Cartesi Machine containing the DApp's back-end logic.

The file <example>/dapp.json contains some configurations for building the application. In particular, it defines the back-end's entry-point executable, along with any other files that should be made available inside the Cartesi Machine. For certain examples, the build process also includes special procedures for downloading and installing additional dependencies required by the application.


Each application can be executed in Production and Host modes, as explained below.

Production mode

In this mode, the DApp's back-end logic is executed inside a Cartesi Machine, meaning that its code is cross-compiled to the machine's RISC-V architecture. This ensures that the computation performed by the back-end is reproducible and hence verifiable, enabling a truly trustless and decentralized execution.

After building an example as described in the previous section, you can run it in production mode by executing:

cd <example>
docker compose -f ../docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.override.yml up

Allow some time for the infrastructure to be ready. How much will depend on your system, but after some time showing the error "concurrent call in session", eventually the container logs will repeatedly show the following:

rollups-examples-server_manager_1      | Received GetVersion
rollups-examples-server_manager_1      | Received GetStatus
rollups-examples-server_manager_1      |   default_rollups_id
rollups-examples-server_manager_1      | Received GetSessionStatus for session default_rollups_id
rollups-examples-server_manager_1      |   0
rollups-examples-server_manager_1      | Received GetEpochStatus for session default_rollups_id epoch 0

The environment can be shut down with the following command:

docker-compose -f ../docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.override.yml down -v

Host mode

The Cartesi Rollups Host Environment provides the very same HTTP API as the regular one, mimicking the behavior of the actual layer-1 and layer-2 components. This way, the Cartesi Rollups infrastructure can make HTTP requests to a back-end that is running natively on localhost. This allows the developer to test and debug the back-end logic using familiar tools, such as an IDE.

The host environment can be executed with the following command:

docker compose -f ../docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.override.yml -f ../docker-compose-host.yml up

Note: In production mode, rejected inputs are guaranteed to have no effect on the back-end, since in that case the Cartesi Machine is completely rolled back to its previous state. However, in host mode there is no such guarantee and it is possible for changes to persist, for instance if the DApp allows an invalid input to change a global variable or produce a database write before it is rejected.

Note: When running in host mode, localhost ports 5003 and 5004 will be used by default for the communication between the Cartesi Rollups framework and the DApp's back-end.

Interactive console

It is possible to start an interactive console for the Cartesi Machine containing the application's back-end logic. This allows you to experiment with the back-end's software stacks within its production environment, allowing you to evaluate performance and explore the most adequate technology choices for its implementation.

After the Building step above is executed, a corresponding console Docker image is made available for that purpose. To run it and start your interactive console, type the following command:

docker run --rm -it cartesi/dapp:<example>-devel-console

The example's specific resources can generally be found within the /mnt/dapp directory.

To run the console as the root user, type the following command:

docker run --rm -it cartesi/dapp:<example>-devel-console --run-as-root

Advancing time

When executing an example, it is possible to advance time in order to simulate the passing of epochs. To do that, run:

curl --data '{"id":1337,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"evm_increaseTime","params":[864010]}' http://localhost:8545

Using testnets

Interacting with deployed DApps

Several examples committed to this repository are already deployed to the Ethereum Goerli testnet: echo-python, echo-cpp, echo-lua, echo-js, echo-low-level, sqlite and knn. In order to interact with them, you can simply use the frontend-console tool mentioned before, but this time specifying a few connectivity configurations appropriate for the target network.

First of all, you will need to provide an account with some funds for submitting transactions. This can be accomplished by specifying a mnemonic string, and optionally an account index to use from that mnemonic. There are a few ways to get free Goerli testnet funds using token faucets. Sometimes you will be required to use social media accounts to request tokens, but in other cases you can just directly specify an account address. Do keep in mind that individual faucets are kept by third-parties, are not guaranteed to be functioning at all times, and may be discontinued.

Aside from the account to use, submitting transactions also requires you to provide the URL of an appropriate RPC gateway node for the target network. There are many options for that, and several services provide private nodes with free tiers that are more than enough for running these examples. Some options include Alchemy, Infura and Moralis.

Finally, to query the layer-2 Cartesi Node for DApp outputs, you will need to specify the URL of its GraphQL endpoint. As a general rule, the examples deployed to Goerli have their endpoints available at https://<example> As such, the Echo Python DApp has its endpoint available at Please refer to the frontend-console's documentation for details on how to use it to send inputs, list outputs, deposit tokens, and more.

Deploying DApps

Deploying a new Cartesi DApp to a blockchain requires creating a smart contract on that network, as well as running a validator node for the DApp.

The first step is to build the DApp's back-end machine, which will produce a hash that serves as a unique identifier.

cd <example>
docker buildx bake machine --load

Once the machine docker image is ready, we can use it to deploy a corresponding Rollups smart contract. This requires you to define a few environment variables to specify which network you are deploying to, which account to use, and which RPC gateway to use when submitting the deploy transaction.

export NETWORK=<network>
export MNEMONIC=<user sequence of twelve words>
export RPC_URL=<https://your.rpc.gateway>

For example, to deploy to the Goerli testnet using an Alchemy RPC node, you could execute:

export NETWORK=goerli
export MNEMONIC=<user sequence of twelve words>

With that in place, you can submit a deploy transaction to the Cartesi DApp Factory contract on the target network by executing the following command:

DAPP_NAME=<example> docker compose -f ../deploy-testnet.yml up

This will create a file at ../deployments/<network>/<example>.address with the deployed contract's address. Once the command finishes, it is advisable to stop the docker compose and remove the volumes created when executing it.

DAPP_NAME=<example> docker compose -f ../deploy-testnet.yml down -v

After that, a corresponding Cartesi Validator Node must also be instantiated in order to interact with the deployed smart contract on the target network and handle the back-end logic of the DApp. Aside from the environment variables defined above, the node will also need a secure websocket endpoint for the RPC gateway (WSS URL) and the chain ID of the target network.

For example, for Goerli and Alchemy, you would set the following additional variables:

export WSS_URL=wss://<USER_KEY>
export CHAIN_ID=5

Then, the node itself can be started by running a docker compose as follows:

DAPP_NAME=<example> docker compose -f ../docker-compose-testnet.yml -f ./docker-compose.override.yml up

Alternatively, you can also run the node on host mode by executing:

DAPP_NAME=<example> docker compose -f ../docker-compose-testnet.yml -f ./docker-compose.override.yml -f ../docker-compose-host-testnet.yml up


A basic "hello world" application, this DApp's back-end is written in Python and simply copies each input received as a corresponding output notice.

Implements the same behavior as the Echo Python DApp above, but with a back-end written in C++.

Implements the same behavior as the Echo Python DApp above, but with a back-end written in Rust.

Implements the same behavior as the Echo Python DApp above, but with a back-end written in Lua.

Implements the same behavior as the Echo Python DApp above, but with a back-end written in JavaScript.

Implements the same behavior as the Echo Python DApp above, but with a back-end written in C++ using the low-level Cartesi Rollups API.

An extension of the Echo DApp that handles complex input in the form of JSON strings, in order to perform transformations on text messages.

The Calculator DApp is a simple mathematical expression evaluator that illustrates how to incorporate a pure Python dependency into an application.

Demonstrates how a DApp can easily leverage standard mainstream capabilities by building a minimalistic "decentralized SQL database" just by using the Cartesi Machine's built-in support for SQLite. This application will receive arbitrary SQL commands as input and execute them in an internal database, allowing users to insert data and query them later on. This example also highlights how errors should be handled, in the case of invalid SQL statements.

A Machine Learning Python application that implements the k-Nearest Neighbors supervised classification algorithm, and applies it to the classic Iris flower dataset.

A more generic Machine Learning DApp that illustrates how to use the m2cgen (Model to Code Generator) library to easily leverage widely used Python ML tools such as scikit-learn, NumPy and pandas.

Demonstrates how to handle ERC-20 deposits and withdrawals. The application parses ERC-20 deposits received from the Portal and emits a notice confirming receipt. It then issues corresponding vouchers to return the assets back to the depositor.


Cartesi Rollups Examples







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  • TypeScript 49.0%
  • Python 23.3%
  • Shell 8.4%
  • C++ 5.6%
  • HCL 3.3%
  • Dockerfile 3.0%
  • Other 7.4%