A small helper library using minimalmodbus for the popular dps5005 power supply modules
Dependencies: minimalmodbus and serial
Example Usage:
import pydps
dps = pydps.dps_psu('COM3', 1) # port name, slave address
print(dps.getModel()) #Should show 5005 for dps5005
dps.setKeyLock(True) #Lock keys
dps.setVoltage(12) #Set Voltage to 12V
dps.setOutput(True) #Enable Output
print(dps.getVoltage()) #returns the measured output voltage
print(dps.getCurrent()) #Prints measured output current in A
# or get the full dataset at once:
dat = dps.getFullData()
# Contained values: u-set, i-set, u-out, i-out, power, u-in, lock, protect, cvcc, on
print(dat["power"]) #Prints measured power in W
print(dat["i-out"]) #Prints measured output current in A
dps.setKeyLock(False) #Unlock keys