pangaea is a common library for all dropwizard projects that need to deal with multiple environments.
Include the maven dependency in your project:
Any IDE supports maven so feel free to use Netbeans, IntelliJ, Eclipse
mvn clean install
mvn clean deploy
mvn --batch-mode clean release:prepare release:perform
#Pangaea package
this package is used for helping developers maintain multiple environments with a somewhat standard methology.
Add this to the top of your dropwizard configuration class so that this property doesn't try to get deserialized since it's only used as as a default section to be referenced by other sections of the configuration:
@JsonIgnoreProperties(value = {"default_multi_env_config"})
Add a configuration property to your configuration class that encapsulates the configurations that are "environment" specific:
private MultiEnvAware<MultiEnvConfig> environmentConfig;
Create your "multi-env" configuration class:
public class MultiEnvConfig extends BaseEnvironmentConfiguration {
Add configurations to your .yaml files (example below):
default_multi_env_config: &default_env_config
database: &default_db
checkConnectionWhileIdle: true
driverClass: ""
initialSize: 5
maxConnectionAge: "10s"
minSize: 5
maxSize: 5
isLazy: true
validationQuery: "SELECT 1"
# Map<environmentName, environmentConfig>
<<: *default_env_config
<<: *default_db
user: "user"
password: "password"
url: "jdbc:sqlserver://\\db:50000;database=DB"
someUrl: ""
defaultEnvironmentConfiguration: true
Configuration templates in allow us to dynamically support applications for multiple environments based on a convention (or pattern).
- Only 1 template per configuration can be defined
- A configuration cannot have both defaultEnvironmentConfiguration=true and template=true.
See main code for handling this
In this example, you'll see a template defined where XXX gets replaced dynamically as the application processes requests for a given silo. So if Silo 115 data gets passed through this configuration then XXX will get replaced with 115 based on a convention.
default_multi_env_config: &default_env_config
database: &default_db
checkConnectionWhileIdle: true
driverClass: ""
initialSize: 5
maxConnectionAge: "10s"
minSize: 5
maxSize: 5
isLazy: true
validationQuery: "SELECT 1"
# Map<environmentName, environmentConfig>
<<: *default_env_config
<<: *default_db
user: "user"
password: "password"
url: "jdbc:sqlserver://\\db:50000;database=DB"
someUrl: ""
template: true