Code Bank is a code snippet manager with syntax highlighting for multiple languages including C++, ActionScript, Flex, HTML and SQL to name a few. Code Bank also has a simple revision history with a compare viewer so you can see the changes side-by-side between two revisions.
- SilverStripe Framework 3.1.x (See for SilverStripe requirements)
- PHP Zip extension (See for installation instructions)
composer require undefinedoffset/silverstripe-codebank 3.*@stable
- Download and extract the latest Code Bank module release from here
- Extract the module archive to the root of your SilverStripe installation, opening the extracted folder should contain _config.php in the root along with other files/folders
- Hit http://{your domain}/{path to root of code bank server folder}/dev/build?flush=all in your browser
- You will now see a Code Bank option in the CMS Menu
- Download and extract the latest Code Bank release from here
- Extract the Code Bank to a location on your SilverStripe compatible web server, you should now see a Code Bank folder and a framework folder among others
- Follow the installation instructions at
- If the installer completes successfully you will now be able to use the remote server in Code Bank's desktop client. Just set the server path to be http://{your domain}/{path to root of code bank server folder}
- You should make sure that the SilverStripe installer removed the install files install.php, and install-frameworkmissing.html
composer update --no-dev undefinedoffset/silverstripe-codebank
- Download the latest Code Bank release here
- Extract the archive to into the same folder as your SilverStripe Framework
- Hit http://{your domain}/{path to root of code bank server folder}/dev/build?flush=all in your browser
composer update --no-dev
- Download and extract the latest Code Bank release from overwriting the Code Bank and themes folders
- Download and extact just the CodeBank, framework and themes folders replacing only those folders and their children
- Hit http://{your domain}/{path to root of code bank server folder}/dev/build?flush=all in your browser, then you may use Code Bank normally
Code Bank uses SyntaxHighlighter to highlight code snippets, to provide a language with syntax highlighting you must add to your yml configs the following then run dev/build?flush=all.
- Name: "Example Language" #Name of the language
HighlightCode: "example" #Highlighter code
FileName: "ex" #File extension
Brush: "mysite/javascript/shBrushEx.js" #Relative Path to the snippet highlighter brush
By default Code Bank uses MySQL's fulltext searching and on databases like Postgres it uses a partial match filtering for searching both from the client and in the web interface. Code Bank provides support for switching the engine to Solr if you have the silverstripe/fulltextsearch installed and a Solr server available. You may switch the search engine by adding the following to your mysite/_config/config.yml after add flush=1 to the url to update the config cache.
snippet_search_engine: "SolrCodeBankSearchEngine"
Code Bank provides an api for you to hook in your own engine, you simply need to implement the ICodeBankSearchEngine interface and define the methods in the interface. The key thing to remember is that the doSnippetSearch() method takes 3 parameters the first $keyword, is the term/keyword the user is searching for (this maybe empty), the second ($langugeID) is the database ID of the language the user is filtering to. The last parameter ($folderID) is the ID of the folder the system is requesting matches for. The method itself should always return a SS_List subclass typically it should be DataList containing or pointing to only snippets. To enable your custom engine follow the steps above.
- Some Icons are from the Fudge Icon Set
- Code Bank Logo is derived from the Tango Desktop Project
- Other icons are from the noun project
- Code Bank is powered by the SilverStripe framework
- Code Bank uses portions of the Zend Framework
- Syntax highlighting provided by SyntaxHighlighter