zenimate-js (zen animate javascript) is an animation toolkit for setting up animated elements, animated backgrounds on the site or behind content spans with object-oriented code. Except for animating elements, only Javascript is required and CSS knowledge is not mandatory.
It is currently in development.
Animating the content_box
elements with handled element.style
, kind of like injected CSS:
var variating = zenimate.variating; // An alternate way is to use 'with()'.
var preset = zenimate({
// Give elements ever changing colors.
color: variating("5s", "#ddd", "#fff"), // variating() == variating.byTime()
// Change the background color with delayed transition when scrolling.
background: variating.byMotion("vertical scroll repeat 20px transition .1s",
"rgba(237, 67, 107, .5)", "rgba(59, 119, 176, .3)", "rgba(255, 222, 73, .8)")
// Change the font size when clicked.
font-size: variating.byMotion("onclick 1x transition .1s", ".8em", "1.2em");
preset.animateElement($(".content_box")); // jQuery usage, otherwise document.getElementById