- Source code used for the manuscript “Federated c-means and Fuzzy c-means Clustering Algorithms for Horizontally and Vertically Partitioned Data”, currently under review.
- This work has been developed by the Artificial Intelligence R&D Group at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa.
- Authors:
- José Luis Corcuera Bárcena (scholar) (joseluis.corcuera@phd.unipi.it)
- Francesco Marcelloni (scholar) (francesco.marcelloni@unipi.it)
- Alessandro Renda (scholar) (alessandro.renda@unipi.it)
- Alessio Bechini (scholar) (alessio.bechini@unipi.it)
- Pietro Ducange (scholar) (pietro.ducange@unipi.it)
Federated Clustering requires:
- pandas (for data manipulation and analysis)
- numpy (basic numeric python library)
- numba (speed up computation generating machine code)
- scikit-learn (for normalization and model evaluation metrics)
- matplotlib (for plotting)
To install the application just clone the repository, cd
into the folder and run
python setup.py install