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Releases: Uniswap/interface

Release v4.1.5

09 Jun 12:09
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IPFS hash of the deployment:

  • CIDv0: QmejLpAekc6j9vEhJfTZJ8E8FYebDTiZyMp8Czqq1GLtmT
  • CIDv1: bafybeihtrmowwhd4fz6kpw4gkoqigojhlf3pia3zap2vl26i7n5ncprmey

The latest release is always accessible via our alias to the Cloudflare IPFS gateway at

You can also access the Uniswap Interface directly from an IPFS gateway.
BEWARE: The Uniswap interface uses localStorage to remember your settings, such as which tokens you have imported.
You should always use an IPFS gateway that enforces origin separation, or our alias to the latest release at
Your Uniswap settings are never remembered across different URLs.

IPFS gateways:

4.1.5 (2021-06-09)

Release v4.1.4

08 Jun 12:10
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IPFS hash of the deployment:

  • CIDv0: QmXxJLwcdwQoenqwV3V6FczAr9PQU6qeJHKUfa1GQxnHdC
  • CIDv1: bafybeieo3mijng7u3wovyvnyxprlytmqoak3mf3adtm42goml4hdkqhkbm

The latest release is always accessible via our alias to the Cloudflare IPFS gateway at

You can also access the Uniswap Interface directly from an IPFS gateway.
BEWARE: The Uniswap interface uses localStorage to remember your settings, such as which tokens you have imported.
You should always use an IPFS gateway that enforces origin separation, or our alias to the latest release at
Your Uniswap settings are never remembered across different URLs.

IPFS gateways:

4.1.4 (2021-06-08)

Bug Fixes

  • set polling interval back to 15 seconds (355012e)

Release v4.1.3

07 Jun 12:21
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IPFS hash of the deployment:

  • CIDv0: QmS8Qty2kSkX6EuG9FNJzRTvciwkKr8e1d2U8HXoapzFYp
  • CIDv1: bafybeibyjquozzfgcwtcyjk7veesylhal5pzjihojsemzfazailtpzoweu

The latest release is always accessible via our alias to the Cloudflare IPFS gateway at

You can also access the Uniswap Interface directly from an IPFS gateway.
BEWARE: The Uniswap interface uses localStorage to remember your settings, such as which tokens you have imported.
You should always use an IPFS gateway that enforces origin separation, or our alias to the latest release at
Your Uniswap settings are never remembered across different URLs.

IPFS gateways:

4.1.3 (2021-06-07)

Release v4.1.2

03 Jun 12:19
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IPFS hash of the deployment:

  • CIDv0: QmNV4uXx6Ki3Cnh2AnYu9NLYHxFnLB2B3PT8w7xnTyy4cv
  • CIDv1: bafybeiacfaazfel34szhc3k5dl3pqxeif5jclfpsp5xe4fmpdvgwmwr6z4

The latest release is always accessible via our alias to the Cloudflare IPFS gateway at

You can also access the Uniswap Interface directly from an IPFS gateway.
BEWARE: The Uniswap interface uses localStorage to remember your settings, such as which tokens you have imported.
You should always use an IPFS gateway that enforces origin separation, or our alias to the latest release at
Your Uniswap settings are never remembered across different URLs.

IPFS gateways:

4.1.2 (2021-06-03)

Bug Fixes

Code Refactoring

  • L2: Arbitrum Kovan testnet and Arbitrum One support (#1716) (02d80e0)

Release v4.1.1

02 Jun 12:27
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IPFS hash of the deployment:

  • CIDv0: QmNbSybkHKExXpUzqrgAfgGKnpJDzVf7TxRsonz2YV8uNP
  • CIDv1: bafybeiadzjzbw7xa44x4kpmgrhhlihrllrmghdu4g3zvtwres4fyoqkbea

The latest release is always accessible via our alias to the Cloudflare IPFS gateway at

You can also access the Uniswap Interface directly from an IPFS gateway.
BEWARE: The Uniswap interface uses localStorage to remember your settings, such as which tokens you have imported.
You should always use an IPFS gateway that enforces origin separation, or our alias to the latest release at
Your Uniswap settings are never remembered across different URLs.

IPFS gateways:

4.1.1 (2021-06-02)

Bug Fixes

  • background should show up while loading the js (abcf1f5)
  • do not show price data on non-mainnet (bed8dd5)
  • fire a GA event when the locale is switched (fdabb90)
  • #1694: fix popup item header overlap (#1783) (71a490f)

Code Refactoring

Release v4.1.0

01 Jun 20:31
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IPFS hash of the deployment:

  • CIDv0: QmV2qpNn2xePdvxz2WD4bAYRGo8rEEMhEAHWZ5PtGoD96T
  • CIDv1: bafybeiddohu7i6a2xf6mmakmzy3drilbckungzgugrbgzqhov2atvnjphq

The latest release is always accessible via our alias to the Cloudflare IPFS gateway at

You can also access the Uniswap Interface directly from an IPFS gateway.
BEWARE: The Uniswap interface uses localStorage to remember your settings, such as which tokens you have imported.
You should always use an IPFS gateway that enforces origin separation, or our alias to the latest release at
Your Uniswap settings are never remembered across different URLs.

IPFS gateways:

4.1.0 (2021-06-01)


Bug Fixes

  • i18n: various fixes and improvements (#1718) (69cc728)
  • add a link to switch the locale conditionally (#1776) (a7a1607)
  • add padding to price outside of range (#1752) (d990dfd)
  • add sourceLocale: en (#1738) (f9a5dbf)
  • add space to backToV3 swap button (#1769) (04c2568)
  • anonymize outbound link events sent to google analytics (d866d79)
  • clean up the charts navigation link (089280d)
  • prevent the interface from flashing the wrong locale temporarily on load (0a0053c)
  • usdc prices shouldn't reload when v3 prices reload (7f1def3)
  • useCallback is not necessary (14a6953)
  • uma: UMA/UNI June expiry call option routing (#1777) (5125cbb)

Code Refactoring

Release v4.0.2

26 May 12:09
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IPFS hash of the deployment:

  • CIDv0: QmTcecnkfsm74NARoM1tbGmEhokJmF58tXyYPiJNZqUoVA
  • CIDv1: bafybeicomop3s22gmjx3j5jjmfin4iyjn3vjbt6m3fwxiprjkzinlwgc2e

The latest release is always accessible via our alias to the Cloudflare IPFS gateway at

You can also access the Uniswap Interface directly from an IPFS gateway.
BEWARE: The Uniswap interface uses localStorage to remember your settings, such as which tokens you have imported.
You should always use an IPFS gateway that enforces origin separation, or our alias to the latest release at
Your Uniswap settings are never remembered across different URLs.

IPFS gateways:

4.0.2 (2021-05-26)

Bug Fixes

  • improve cancel/retry detection (dbbffd1)

Release v4.0.1

25 May 12:10
Choose a tag to compare

IPFS hash of the deployment:

  • CIDv0: QmQsUMYC6t3g5xsvC6aEf5xVrBEXLabomQTcJwMMBGUJwQ
  • CIDv1: bafybeibftsv4du2lohqkdt2pxt2awxqknro423g2xgigejgbfmsyqvgvd4

The latest release is always accessible via our alias to the Cloudflare IPFS gateway at

You can also access the Uniswap Interface directly from an IPFS gateway.
BEWARE: The Uniswap interface uses localStorage to remember your settings, such as which tokens you have imported.
You should always use an IPFS gateway that enforces origin separation, or our alias to the latest release at
Your Uniswap settings are never remembered across different URLs.

IPFS gateways:

4.0.1 (2021-05-25)

Bug Fixes

Release v4.0.0

24 May 12:10
Choose a tag to compare

IPFS hash of the deployment:

  • CIDv0: QmXMzg4HrkpP9bWmtroRmG5NUUzSSC7ATZwDHDW8qSXP5R
  • CIDv1: bafybeiegcflfo3scqw3vqzhyjqzvez44m6cjybj2uxhv65iy6tv46cmpta

The latest release is always accessible via our alias to the Cloudflare IPFS gateway at

You can also access the Uniswap Interface directly from an IPFS gateway.
BEWARE: The Uniswap interface uses localStorage to remember your settings, such as which tokens you have imported.
You should always use an IPFS gateway that enforces origin separation, or our alias to the latest release at
Your Uniswap settings are never remembered across different URLs.

IPFS gateways:

4.0.0 (2021-05-24)


  • trigger a major release for the uniswap interface to indicate it now supports swapping and liquidity provision against uniswap protocol v3

  • fix the value

  • improve the error coverage

  • retry more frequently, couple more error nits

  • the is argent call was being sketchy

  • get it working for add liquidity

  • 0x0 for v2 swaps too

  • small nits in position page

  • fix import

  • fix compiler error


  • ETH2x-FLI to ETH2X pair routing (#1644) (99ad4ae)
  • use multicall for argent wallets in swap and v3 add liquidity (#1387) (562b402)
  • pool: add toggle to hide inactive positions (#1676) (9d1556b)

Bug Fixes

  • catch errors from Pair.getLiquidityMinted (#1668) (9353c78)
  • fix typo is getLiquidityMinted catch (#1663) (536a5d9)
  • handle usdc directly in useUSDCPrice (#1683) (02269e9)
  • remove the click to flip price on the position list item (6e52a43)
  • replace jazzicon to @metamask/jazzicon (#1659) (816249b)
  • wrap/unwrap should not show computed trade details (3aaa3fe)


  • "fix: handle insufficient input amount error in v2 add liquidity (#1652)" (#1665) (ecdbb4a)

Code Refactoring

  • bump to latest sdk (#1657) (5e30a4b)
  • some clean up of the common bases code, add WETH (bc243e1)

Release v3.3.6

20 May 12:11
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IPFS hash of the deployment:

  • CIDv0: QmRq8AQ5RsM4Fx8wfabA2n631ZYFEZsiUS7trBawGZbQja
  • CIDv1: bafybeibt3zoxadfukr4icoczpdfmsj4fke7bopjocfb55ii27niw3ebtse

The latest release is always accessible via our alias to the Cloudflare IPFS gateway at

You can also access the Uniswap Interface directly from an IPFS gateway.
BEWARE: The Uniswap interface uses localStorage to remember your settings, such as which tokens you have imported.
You should always use an IPFS gateway that enforces origin separation, or our alias to the latest release at
Your Uniswap settings are never remembered across different URLs.

IPFS gateways:

3.3.6 (2021-05-20)

Bug Fixes

  • handle insufficient input amount error in v2 add liquidity (#1652) (307a995)
  • stabilize fiat value by fixing max hop and increasing USDC out to 100k (#1651) (d3c04b7)