17/1 W1 - Introduction to Pharo and its environment. First project - Counter
24/1 W2 - Exercises + Introduction to Double Dispatch
31/1 W3 - Double Dispatch Exercices
7/2 W4 - Visitor pattern
14/2 W5 - Introduction to AST + Visitor
28/2 W6 - Interpreters
7/3 W7 - Interpreters + Exercises
14/3 W8 - Preparation for the exam - finish all exercises, ask your questions.
21/3 W9 - Exam
At the end of the course, there will be a 3-hour exam covering everything we’ve learned, including all topics discussed:
- Pharo syntax (blocs, loops, messages etc)
- Double dispatch
- Visitor
- AST and interpreters
The exam will include both multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions. You may also be asked to draw a diagram or an AST, as well as write a small piece of code (we will not evaluate the correctness of the code too strictly, but focus more on the general idea).
Using any course materials or electronic devices during the exam is not allowed.
Friday 13H15 - 16H15 (at the M5-A14)
- Stéphane Ducasse
- Larisa Safina (mailto: larisa.safina at inria.fr)
You are always welcome to ask for help on the discord server of Pharo: https://discord.gg/QewZMZa