Releases: Universal-Rom-Tools/Universal-XML-Scraper
Universal XML Scraper V2
Corrected :
- Random Error making UXS crash. (Changing a part of MAIN <-> ENGINE communication system)
- Changing color progressbar is now only green (Maybe a raison of random crash)
- SSH finally will work (sorry for that)
- Apostrophes in filename now works... (Thanks Marblemad)
Added :
- ProgressBar when creating the XML File
Universal XML Scraper V2
Corrected :
- Full Scrape don't neverend anymore.
- SSH kill works now on scrape demande.
- Date with only a 'Year' will work now (the date will be 'Year/01/01')
- When adding Missing Rom, Name were "(Clone, Beta, Demo, ...)". It's OK now ;)
- When you force JPG or PNG, Video stay in MP4.
Modification :
- New ProgressBar changing color (Green = OK, Red = Timeout or error download, Yellow = Not found)
Added :
- New, in case UXS Hang (it never happen ^^), when you re-launch a Scrape, it will ask you if you want to generate a gamelist.xml with the temporary file found.
- New Shortcut was created at the first launch : 'Silent_UXS'. You can now run UXS silently ;)
- New Visual info about Engine Use. Some check box corresponding to the Thread Number will tell you if the Engine is used or not.
- 2 New Advanced Menu : Reset Autoconfiguration Path and Alt Autoconfiguration Path (only for Retropie, it put the Rom's Folder Path)
- New Element Type : RomExcluded
Exemple :
<Element Type="RomExcluded">
<AutoExcludeValue>(Track |[Bios]|(Bios)</AutoExcludeValue>
Mean :
When a duplicate name file (without extension) is found:
- it check the extension. If in list (bin|img|iso|ccd|sub) it won't scrape it
- it check if the file contain a value ("(Track ","[Bios]","(Bios)"). If yes, it won't scrape it
EDIT : If you have debug message box while scraping, just redownload this version (I forgot to comment a line ^^)
Universal XML Scraper V2
Corrected :
- SSH command are ok now
- Thread number are now keept
Modification :
- New ProgressBar with count on it
- New Algo for estimated time
- Renaming BigPicture to Bigshot (to match Eudora Theme)
Universal XML Scraper V2
Corrected :
- Problem with Fullscrape
- Full Scrape result
- Problem with multi scrape in one session
Modification :
- Menu reorganised
- New Wizard
- New Profil Handling (now there is only 2 Profils Recalbox & Retropie)
Added :
- New Tag Name [Country] (Clone, Beta, Demo, Proto, Trad, Hack, Unl, Alt, Best)
- New option Menu (Where you can choose MIX or not, and lot's of stuff)
- New option to scrape or not in zip file
- New system logo on interface when plateform is selected
- New Language added : English became English UK and English US to handle media from each country
coming soon :
- New Server
- New API
- New error handling
WARNING The Profil have change, So if you have make your own Profil, it may be broke.
Please re-use a standard profil to make your modification and save it with an other name.
Don't modify the 2 standard Profil (Recalbox.xml and Retropie.xml)
HELP WANTED look for some translation about the new wizard.
If you can help in German, Spanish, Dutch, Portugaise, Japanaise, Italian. You are welcome Then
(Juste look in the LanguageFiles Folder. Open the XML. The stuff needing translation are at the end ;) )
Universal XML Scraper V2
- Corrected :
- Problem on System Media Download
- Cleaning some security issue
- Changing TimeOut handler
- Added :
- New Handling of scrape Engine (it will not hammer so much the server)
- Profil modification :
- No more Retropie(Video) profil. Now you can choose to add video and marquee directly in the "Option Configuration Menu"
Universal XML Scraper V2
Corrected :
- Better stability on downloaded images (Some never download :S and miss in the MIX)
Added :
- Dynamique Handle to API server, now I can force the server to ask (for the futur when we have a fallback server ;) or country based server )
- Lot's of new Picto media (Nb of player, Notes, Classification, Editor, Developer, Genre) -> Beta it can change soon.
- Added 3 news MIX Template for Bigshot Theme with these new picto (1 is directly on local, the 2 other are on the repository, you can download them directly from UXS)
WARNING Added things that can "broke" you existing MIX Template
- You need to put the full Xpath to the Source_Value node (exemple : Game need to start by 'Data/jeu/' and System by 'Data/systeme [id="%IDSYSTEM%"]')
- The CENTER/LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN function in Target_TopLeftX, Target_TopLeftY (and other) now take the "origin" point of the picture (default are TopLeft corner of the Picture)
- You can now use Target_OriginPicX and Target_OriginPicY to fixe the origin point of the picture. So now to center a picture you need to put :
(The Origin point of the picture will be the center, and we center this origin point to the final picture)
Universal XML Scraper V2
EDIT : Wrong EXE, I just corrected :S sorry
- Corrected :
- Some fallback in language xml
- Fallback function (problem with standard mix not founding some picture)
- Added :
- Possibity to "Fixe" a Size by media in Standard profil with : <Target_Image_Width> and <Target_Image_Height>
- Running on 2 servers now : Mirror and main server
- New MIX Possibilty : "Text"
- rotation GDI Function with <Target_Rotation> directly in the Element.
- <source_Origin> can be put to "genre"
Don't forget to see the Wiki :
Universal XML Scraper V2
- Corrected :
- Filename check is with extension now...
- Neo-Geo scrape now return correct info.
- Added :
- Some security on Target XML file selection.
Universal XML Scraper V2
- Corrected :
- Time out on the new experimental function (Hash with SSH command directly on the PI)
- Add a \ before space and ' when Hash from the PI
- Added :
- 7za.exe instead of standard windows dll.
- Experimental Option to Hash from the PI in General option.
- New MIX Template in repository (thank you Brandoskey)
Universal XML Scraper V2
- Corrected :
- SSH command will work now (I hope :S).
- Some Translation refresh.
- Some problem on country preference (when you choose a 2D Box for exemple)
- Added :
- Japanese translation in beta (Thank you
- SSH Timeout