Christmas Update - Shortcuts, Screenshots, Sizes, Songs, Safety, setoN
What's New?
- Shortcuts: When using the homebrew launcher you can now create shortcuts for easily updating specific apps
- Screenshots: You can now see what apps look like before downloading!
- Note: Only around a fifth of Universal-DB has screenshots at the moment, more will be added as we get around to it
- Sizes: Downloads can now have a size so you know how big they'll be
- Songs: You can now use a WAV file up to 10 MiB as background music, place it at
- Safety: Universal-Updater now has parental controls set, at the same level as the homebrew launcher and FBI, so you don't have to worry about kids messing with it
- Stores: There's now a list of of recommended UniStores accessible from the select UniStore menu so you don't even need to find a QR code or enter a URL
- setoN: Okay fine, finally out of S words... but there's still more! You can now view the release Notes for apps so you know what's changed!
- Added Ukrainian
- Added custom font support, the font at
will be used when enabled- A default extended font will be downloaded on selecting Ukrainian as the default font is missing some letters
- Toggle icons now have color when on to be more clear
- Portuguese (Portugal), Lithuanian, and Danish have been removed for now due to lack of translations, however if anyone helps translate they will be added back
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an out of bounds access
- Fix grid scrolling sometimes going too far
- Fixed crashing when staring Universal-Updater without Wi-Fi
- Double new lines no longer break wrapped text (fixed by Citro2D v1.5.0)
Other notes:
Find any bugs we missed, have suggestions, or need help? Make an issue or discussion here on GitHub. Normally this is where we'd offer to join our Discord server, but we're not allowing new members as of the creation of this release unless you know someone on the server and ask them to let us know you should be let in.
We hope you enjoy the new update and have a merry Christmas! (or happy holidays in general if you don't celebrate Christmas!)
~ Univeral-Team