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Gynt edited this page Mar 24, 2024 · 4 revisions


Here you can find all documentation for the modification framework.


When the framework is installed into your game directory, you can launch the game by launching Stronghold Crusader.exe or Stronghold Crusader Extreme.exe like normal, or for example via the Steam Launch button or the UCP GUI Launch tab.

Stronghold Crusader comes with built-in command line options which are used to connect to a Multiplayer Lobby at the start of the game (this feature is used by Game Ranger).

Command Line Arguments

The modding framework adds the following command line options:

  • --ucp-game-data-path which sets the folder to load your game settings, progress, maps, and save files from.
  • --ucp-verbosity 0-2 which sets the verbosity for the logger (0 is the default, which means INFO messages, 1 means DEBUG messages, and 2 means you want to see VERBOSE messages too).
  • --ucp-console-verbosity 0-2 which sets the verbosity for the logger in the console.
  • --ucp-console which enables the console (default is no console).
  • --ucp-no-console if you run a Developer build, the console shows by default, this can make you hide it (default false).

Developer build

The developer build enables the possibility to developer modules that modify game code. The framework runs arbitrary code read from module folders instead of zip files. It can be downloaded here:


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