Functional logic language developed by Epic Games - repo of all informations, official resources and snippets
Also called "MaxVerse" by SPJ: "Analogy Haskell" "built on top of VC"
🔴Official descriptions of language by its authors
- Verse is a functional logic language (like Curry or Mercury)
- Verse is a declarative language: a variable names a single value, not a cell whose value changes over time
- Verse is lenient but not strict:
- Like strict: everything gets evaluated in the end
- Like lazy: functions can be called before the argument has a value
- Verse has an unusual static type system: types are firstclass values
- Verse has an effect system, rather than using monads
- Verse is open: Open spec, open-source compiler, verifier, published papers, runtime under permissive open-source license with no IP encumberances
- Mutable state, I/O, and other effects
- Pervasive transactional memory
- Structs, classes, inheritance
Kick functional logic programming out the lab and into the mainstream
Learnable as a first language (c.f. Javascript yes, C++ no)
Stretches from end users to professional developers
Transactional memory at scale
Very strong stability guarantees
A radical new approach to types
Extensible: mechanisms for the language to grow over time, without breaking code
do not confuse with:
- ▶Beyond Functional Programming: The Verse Programming Language (Simon Peyton Jones) Dec 2022 SPJ
- ▶ The Verse programming language GDC 2023
💙 Verse in UEFN - Unreal Editor For Fortnite
Called "ShipVerse" by SPJ or "BetaVerse"(Tim Sweeney) "very conservative subset" of Verse programming language avilable in UEFN, sometimes related as "Verse scripting"
UEFN Verse does differ a bit from Verse programming language and what we see in VC
I've made video summarizing how Verse might play in UEFN and to clarify these 3 different terms: CoreVerse, ShipVerse, MaxVerse at 4:14 video time, video is from before UEFN release and has many predictions
- ▶2020 Year In Review | Inside Unreal (reveal of Verse scripting language) at 1:00:45 video time. Dec 2020
- ▶ The Verse programming language GDC 2023
- 📘 UEFN Verse documentation
Epic is working on visual scripting language and Unreal Engine IDE for it and to be used potentially in UEFN/Fortnite
🟢 Visual Verse - what we know alreadyc
Epic is working on Visual Verse visual scripting language
- Visual scripting is a process of using a visual programming language to create computer programs/scripts. Instead of writing lines of code You use GUI elements, connecting nodes/blocks defining behaviour & logic (Unreal Engine uses Blueprints (old Kismet) visual scripting language heavily in UE editor for most of in editor avilable tasks & scripting logic)
- there are not much informations about it beside registering trademark, recruitment posts for Fortnite (probably UEFN) 1 2, and some minor mentions/leaks related to it
- From those we know IDE for Unreal Engine for VV is in the works
New Core Calculus for Functional Logic Programming
Called "CoreVerse" by SPJ "analogy: Lambda Calculus" but made for Verse and FLP languages
[1📝]: The Verse Calculus: a Core Calculus for Functional Logic Programming
repo: VC_VerseCalculusNotes contains notes from [1📝] WIP
- miniVerse Attempt adhering to VC rewrite semantics with runnable examples from [1📝] written in authors miniVerse notation
This repo is not endorsed by Epic Games, Inc. I'm not Epic Games employee. Made solely for learning and knowledge sharing