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Mottie edited this page Mar 26, 2013 · 4 revisions

Wiki Pages: Home | Setup | Options | Change


<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src="tooltip.js"></script> <!-- any tooltip script -->

<link href="css/progression.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="js/jquery.wowProgression.js"></script>


<div class="progression1"></div>

Script (showing default options)


		// ** Guild Info ***
		// battlenet domain = "us", "eu", "kr", "tw" or "sea"; use "cn" for china
		region  : "us",
		// locale = "en_US", "es_MX", "pt_BR", "en_GB", "es_ES", "fr_FR",
		// "ru_RU", "de_DE", "pt_PT", "it_IT", "ko_KR", "zh_TW" or "zh_CN"
		locale  : "en_US",
		// game server name; include spaces and apostrophes
		server  : "Lightning's Blade",
		// guild name; include spaces and apostrophes
		guild   : "Our Guild's Name",
		// list raiders under "all" for all expansion; or under a specific expansion
		raiders : {
			'all'   : [ 'raider1', 'raider2' ], // included in all expansions
			'mists' : [ 'raider3', 'raider4' ],
			'cat'   : [ 'raider3alt' ]

		// ** Appearance **
		// expansion to show. The order can be changed
		// use "mists" and/or "cat"
		show    : [ 'mists', 'cat' ],
		// show heroics?
		heroics : true,
		// 75% of raiders showing kill before boss counted as killed
		ratio   : 0.75,
		// instance boss count: {n} = number kill count, {t} = total, {p} = percentage
		count   : '{n}/{t}', // '{p}',
		// tooltip - boss killed: use {s} for none/killed status text, {n} for number of kills
		// this is an avg from all raiders
		status  : "{s}",
		// use instance abbreviation - "Firelands" becomes "FL"
		useAbbr : false,
		// boss status text
		text    : {
			zero    : '',  // boss kill count (if zero) - when using {n} in status
			none    : '',  // boss not killed text
			killed  : 'Killed' // boss killed text
		// tooltip class name added to instance block
		tooltip : "tooltip",

		// ** Callbacks **
		// initialized callback function
		// el = $('#progBox') - element that the plugin is initialized on
		initialized: function(el){
			// initialize tooltip

		// ** Debugging **
		// set to true to show all raider information (for debugging)
		details : false,
		// click to show details
		clickForDetails : true,
		// output to console
		debug : false


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