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  • Node >= v12

Setup and test

# Install Dependencies
npm install

# Compile contracts
./node_modules/.bin/truffle compile

# Run local development RPC instance

# Run tests
./node_modules/.bin/truffle test

Key terms


Administrator is the person which can add new books in library


Book consist of name, id and copies which is available in library of a given book.


Borrower is a user which can take a book from library. He can only take a 1 copy of book per book.


BookLedger contain one - one mapping of ids with books.

Functions description

addBook(string memory _name, uint256 _copies)

  • Only Adminstrator can call this function.
  • It is used to add books in library.
  • It also autogenerate an id and assign it to book.

Parameter description

  • _name: name of book. Name of book is also unique. So there will be no 2 books having same name
  • _copies: total number of copies of a book included in library

addBookCopies(uint256 _bookId, uint256 _copies)

  • Only Adminstrator can call this function.
  • It is used to add more copies of an existing book.

Parameter description

  • _bookId: Id of book
  • _copies: total number of copies of the book to add.

borrowBook(uint256 _id)

  • It is a public function.
  • It can only borrow a book which is available in the library
  • User can only borrow 1 copy of book with given Id.
  • Borrowing of book reduce the available copies of book by 1
  • User cannot borrow books more than available copies of book with given id.

Parameter description

  • id: id of a book present in library

returnBook(uint256 _id)

  • It is a public function.
  • User can only return a book if it is borrowed by given user.
  • Returning of book will increase available copies by 1.

Parameter description

  • id: id of a book present in library


  • It is a public function.
  • Return an array of bookIds which given user can borrow ie.. only books which are not borrowed by user and books whose copies are available in the library

getOwnerHistoryOfBook(uint256 _id)

  • It is a public function.
  • Return an array of addresses of user who borrowed the book untill present

Parameter description

  • id: id of a book present in library

getBookDetail(uint256 _id)

  • It is a public function.
  • returns an name of book and available copies of given book

Parameter description

  • id: id of a book present in library


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