This plugin allows you to simply tag record in your database with multiple tags.
Using Composer:
composer require muffin/tags
You then need to load the plugin. You can use the shell command:
bin/cake plugin load Muffin/Tags
or by manually adding the following line to src/Application.php
You need to add the column tag_count to the taggable table.
Then migrate the tables for the plugin:
bin/cake migrations migrate -p Muffin/Tags
Add the behavior:
And in the view:
echo $this->Form->input('tags');
Enjoy tagging!
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- Commit - do not mess with license, todo, version, etc. (if you do change any, bump them into commits of their own that I can ignore when I pull)
- Pull request - bonus point for topic branches
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Copyright (c) 2015-Present, [Use Muffin] and licensed under The MIT License.