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Remove md_check_hook that runs mdl
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dshevtsov committed Oct 25, 2019
1 parent 3f2b6cb commit 25a21eb
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Showing 7 changed files with 32 additions and 96 deletions.
8 changes: 1 addition & 7 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@


Expand All @@ -26,12 +27,5 @@ _algolia_api_key

# Docs from different branches #

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Gemfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ gem 'wdm', platform: :mswin

group :test do
gem 'html-proofer'
gem 'mdl'
gem 'launchy'

Expand Down
63 changes: 29 additions & 34 deletions Gemfile.lock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ GEM
algolia_html_extractor (2.6.2)
json (~> 2.0)
nokogiri (~> 1.10.4)
algoliasearch (1.27.0)
algoliasearch (1.27.1)
httpclient (~> 2.8, >= 2.8.3)
json (>= 1.5.1)
colorator (1.1.0)
Expand All @@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ GEM
ffi (>= 1.3.0)
eventmachine (1.2.7)
exifr (1.3.6)
faraday (0.15.4)
faraday (0.17.0)
multipart-post (>= 1.2, < 3)
ffi (1.11.1)
filesize (0.2.0)
forwardable-extended (2.6.0)
fspath (3.1.2)
html-proofer (3.12.2)
html-proofer (3.13.0)
addressable (~> 2.3)
mercenary (~> 0.3)
nokogiri (~> 1.10)
Expand All @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ GEM
yell (~> 2.0)
http_parser.rb (0.6.0)
httpclient (2.8.3)
i18n (0.9.5)
i18n (1.7.0)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
image_optim (0.26.5)
exifr (~> 1.2, >= 1.2.2)
Expand All @@ -54,20 +54,22 @@ GEM
image_optim (~> 0.19)
image_size (2.0.2)
in_threads (1.5.3)
jekyll (3.8.6)
jekyll (4.0.0)
addressable (~> 2.4)
colorator (~> 1.0)
em-websocket (~> 0.5)
i18n (~> 0.7)
jekyll-sass-converter (~> 1.0)
i18n (>= 0.9.5, < 2)
jekyll-sass-converter (~> 2.0)
jekyll-watch (~> 2.0)
kramdown (~> 1.14)
kramdown (~> 2.1)
kramdown-parser-gfm (~> 1.0)
liquid (~> 4.0)
mercenary (~> 0.3.3)
pathutil (~> 0.9)
rouge (>= 1.7, < 4)
rouge (~> 3.0)
safe_yaml (~> 1.0)
jekyll-algolia (1.5.0)
terminal-table (~> 1.8)
jekyll-algolia (1.6.0)
algolia_html_extractor (~> 2.6)
algoliasearch (~> 1.26)
filesize (~> 0.1)
Expand All @@ -76,44 +78,39 @@ GEM
nokogiri (~> 1.6)
progressbar (~> 1.9)
verbal_expressions (~> 0.1.5)
jekyll-optional-front-matter (0.3.0)
jekyll (~> 3.0)
jekyll-optional-front-matter (0.3.2)
jekyll (>= 3.0, < 5.0)
jekyll-redirect-from (0.15.0)
jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0)
jekyll-relative-links (0.6.0)
jekyll (~> 3.3)
jekyll-sass-converter (1.5.2)
sass (~> 3.4)
jekyll-relative-links (0.6.1)
jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0)
jekyll-sass-converter (2.0.1)
sassc (> 2.0.1, < 3.0)
jekyll-sitemap (1.3.1)
jekyll (>= 3.7, < 5.0)
jekyll-titles-from-headings (0.5.1)
jekyll (~> 3.3)
jekyll-titles-from-headings (0.5.3)
jekyll (>= 3.3, < 5.0)
jekyll-watch (2.2.1)
listen (~> 3.0)
json (2.2.0)
kramdown (1.17.0)
kramdown (2.1.0)
kramdown-parser-gfm (1.1.0)
kramdown (~> 2.0)
launchy (2.4.3)
addressable (~> 2.3)
liquid (4.0.3)
listen (3.2.0)
rb-fsevent (~> 0.10, >= 0.10.3)
rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.10)
mdl (0.5.0)
kramdown (~> 1.12, >= 1.12.0)
mixlib-cli (~> 1.7, >= 1.7.0)
mixlib-config (~> 2.2, >= 2.2.1)
mercenary (0.3.6)
mini_portile2 (2.4.0)
mixlib-cli (1.7.0)
mixlib-config (2.2.18)
multipart-post (2.1.1)
netrc (0.11.0)
nokogiri (1.10.4)
mini_portile2 (~> 2.4.0)
octokit (4.14.0)
sawyer (~> 0.8.0, >= 0.5.3)
parallel (1.17.0)
parallel (1.18.0)
pathutil (0.16.2)
forwardable-extended (~> 2.6)
progress (3.5.2)
Expand All @@ -125,18 +122,17 @@ GEM
ffi (~> 1.0)
rouge (3.12.0)
safe_yaml (1.0.5)
sass (3.7.4)
sass-listen (~> 4.0.0)
sass-listen (4.0.0)
rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4)
rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7)
sassc (2.2.1)
ffi (~> 1.9)
sawyer (0.8.2)
addressable (>= 2.3.5)
faraday (> 0.8, < 2.0)
terminal-table (1.8.0)
unicode-display_width (~> 1.1, >= 1.1.1)
thor (0.20.3)
tomlrb (1.2.8)
typhoeus (1.3.1)
ethon (>= 0.9.0)
unicode-display_width (1.6.0)
verbal_expressions (0.1.5)
wdm (0.1.1)
whatsup_github (0.0.1)
Expand All @@ -162,7 +158,6 @@ DEPENDENCIES

Expand Down
23 changes: 0 additions & 23 deletions _checks/md_check_hook.rb

This file was deleted.

29 changes: 0 additions & 29 deletions bin/mdl

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion rakelib/check.rake
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ namespace :check do
abort 'Cannot find any modified .md files.'.magenta if modified_md_files.empty?
path = modified_md_files.join(' ')
report = `bin/mdl #{path}`
report = `mdl #{path}`
puts report.yellow
puts 'The rules are defined in _checks/styles/style-rules-dev'.magenta
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion rakelib/test.rake
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ namespace :test do
desc 'Test Markdown style with mdl'
task :md do
puts 'Testing Markdown style with mdl ...'.magenta
output = `bin/mdl --style=_checks/styles/style-rules-prod --ignore-front-matter --git-recurse -- .`
output = `mdl --style=_checks/styles/style-rules-prod --ignore-front-matter --git-recurse -- .`
puts output.yellow
abort "The Markdown linter has found #{output.lines.count} issues".red unless output.empty?
puts 'No issues found'.magenta
Expand Down

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