A small command line tool to flash the console window via the FlashConsoleEx
Windows API call.
I'm using this tool heavily inside my own build scripts (which are CMD batch files) to signal myself if a build script fails.
By flashing the CMD window I can do other things during long running build scripts and do not have to constantly monitor the running build processes.
This is an example of a "build.cmd" batch script I'm using the tool with:
CD /d %~dp0
SET CSSCRIPT_DIR=\\build-server\tools\cs-script
"\\build-server\tools\cs-script\cscs.exe" /dbg "%~dp0\do-build.cs" %*
if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 "\\build-server\tools\console-flasher.exe" & EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL%
The above script calls the actual build script (which is a CS-Script script in my case) and if the build exists with an error, the console window is flashed.